Well, I changed my user name. I like this one alot better. I am tired and I even had today off. I went out for a drink, well okay two, tonight and to show off my tattoo to my friend Sarah. I work a 12 hour shift tomorrow and then I will be going out a couple hours later to get drunk, wear fishnet stockings, hang out with my gay boyfriend, and see if I can get any action. I will also be taking my camera so I should have some good pictures to put up in a few days. It's been about a month since my break up and I'm over it now and my libido is back. That of course is a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because who wants to feel dead in the nether regions? A curse because I am kind of a nympho and when my vagina is doing the navagating my brain is completely retarded. I know this is really forward to write in a blog, but no one reads my blog on here anyway. I think I am going for chicks for my first "free of the ball and chain" fuck. Mostly because my ex wouldn't let me be with any while we were together so it's been a fucking while. I'm pretty sure that I'll find some random chick to fool around with tomorrow and then be back to dick in no time, that is how it usually is. I like the lipstick type girls and am one myself, I am not attracted to the butch girls. I think the only thing stopping me from becoming a lesbo is that I'm too much of a guy sometimes and I kind of have to have a guy to balance me out. Example- I hate cuddling after sex, chick flicks, I can be dominate, and extra-sensitive emotional crap bugs the every loving shit out of me. Oh well, need sleep now.
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Thursday Feb 21, 2008
Yeah, I'm tired from another 12 hour shift of running around someon… -
Saturday Feb 16, 2008
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Friday Feb 15, 2008
Well, I changed my user name. I like this one alot better. I am tired… -
Thursday Feb 14, 2008
I went to go get my tattoo touched up yesterday but as I was driving … -
Wednesday Feb 13, 2008
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