I went to the Henry Rollins show tonight. It was good but it lasted for over three hours. My legs were asleep and I was tired of people coughing on me by the end of the show. The show was funny and smart and I have to say that I really enjoyed the material. He didn't do a meet and greet afterwards. frown It was okay...
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love I am so excited about Sunday night! Well, before I get ahead of myself, tomorrow I work and then at night I am going to the club for my gay boyfriend's birthday celebration!! On sunday I work again until then at 8:00 I have a ticket to the Henry Rollins one man show!!!! I am so excited! He is so fucking hot. I bought a...
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ooo aaa Yeah, I'm tired from another 12 hour shift of running around someone's house. I am supposed to have tomorrow off if the other caregiver doesn't have to go get her boyfriend from the hospital. I saw Suspiria for the first time last night. I have a thing for 70's cult films and it was just strange enough to fit into my favorites. I think I...
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Yeah, I'm drunk. Nothing happened really at the club tonight. I was just kind of a bar fly along with some guy who was just dumped by his girlfriend and the head DJ who kept coming over to get drinks and occationally I would spark up a conversation with. I spent most of the night talking to my gay boyfriend Derrick, who happens to be...
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dont drink and drive

and dont fall down in boots

unless you intend to sling your legs around some honey's back

Well, I changed my user name. I like this one alot better. I am tired and I even had today off. I went out for a drink, well okay two, tonight and to show off my tattoo to my friend Sarah. I work a 12 hour shift tomorrow and then I will be going out a couple hours later to get drunk, wear fishnet stockings,...
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I went to go get my tattoo touched up yesterday but as I was driving to my tattoo place I really just wanted a brand new one instead. So, I made an appointment to get the old one touched up because the tattoo place was crowded and went in search for a good shop to do the new one. I ended up at the shop...
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skull This is my first day off in about a week. With the 24 and 12 hour shifts my work has sent me on it feels like it has been longer than a week. I have been so tired I am really quite shocked I did not get in a car accident or something this week from falling asleep at the wheel. Of course my work...
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