Well it turns out
i went to the dentist a friend of my husbands co worker at work actually son in law....and believe it or not its an infection from the one wisdom tooth...what the hell i say it hurts like a mother fuck** ...i got pennicillin to take for a week...all that and u get an infection on top of it..its not bad enoughjust getting the teeth out...who knows with this stuff..i was feeling like hell and swollen too...so thats the update on the teeth thing...my hubbies show is tommorow so maybe 4 times a day of these pills will make it better by then...then crue on sat...thank god i went to get it checked out this early...my stomach feels like crap olla...my hubbies eyes are great..he had 20/50 vision a day after..lots of drops for a week and protecting the eyes u dont want to ruin the flap from surgery...but he goes back in 3 weeks for a check up...hes really happy....thanks for all who wrote comments about this and me love to u all....
i went to the dentist a friend of my husbands co worker at work actually son in law....and believe it or not its an infection from the one wisdom tooth...what the hell i say it hurts like a mother fuck** ...i got pennicillin to take for a week...all that and u get an infection on top of it..its not bad enoughjust getting the teeth out...who knows with this stuff..i was feeling like hell and swollen too...so thats the update on the teeth thing...my hubbies show is tommorow so maybe 4 times a day of these pills will make it better by then...then crue on sat...thank god i went to get it checked out this early...my stomach feels like crap olla...my hubbies eyes are great..he had 20/50 vision a day after..lots of drops for a week and protecting the eyes u dont want to ruin the flap from surgery...but he goes back in 3 weeks for a check up...hes really happy....thanks for all who wrote comments about this and me love to u all....

thanks for the birthday wishes!