finally kind of settled in,deorating next,its like a world apart from the other apt.,its quiet and people actually go to good so far,im trying to get to go to school more days so i can graduate sooner,financial aid doesnt come thru enough,you always manke too much yeah right....where
so im getting alittle loan so i can get done sooner...
weather still snowing here...cold
birthdays coming up,dont know what we can do...anything going on...bankky do u know of anthing...the weekend of the 5th i believe since our birthday the 7 and 8th fall during the week...well see
signing up for a hard core memebership at ballys for a personal trainer and meal planner...both brett and i arent getting younger...want to look good if i vacation in hawaii in june....lets go girl...
nothing else new..looking for jobs doing school...starts the 31st this month....
talk to ya soon all...
so im getting alittle loan so i can get done sooner...
weather still snowing here...cold
birthdays coming up,dont know what we can do...anything going on...bankky do u know of anthing...the weekend of the 5th i believe since our birthday the 7 and 8th fall during the week...well see
signing up for a hard core memebership at ballys for a personal trainer and meal planner...both brett and i arent getting younger...want to look good if i vacation in hawaii in june....lets go girl...
nothing else new..looking for jobs doing school...starts the 31st this month....
talk to ya soon all...

a friend of mine has been talkin about working out together all winter...i really need to get on that....
good luck at bally's