well it's been awhile since i have updated...just too busy with the new job and school and trying to enjoy summer...i hardly see my hubbie and hes playing out this weekend....but i think im going to be leaving the site i have no time to update or comment at all..i love seeing lal the new girls and all and apneas new stuff always...but im just...
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well going to design class tonight and getting more homework to make up i know...only 4 weeks left then out....and im doing well in my classes...looking to do summer to if the moola is there....well seee i guess...how is everyone doing its been warmer here could be more consistent 70's stilll need to be warmer..feels like 70 was warmer years ago...but its not snow i...
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Hope school's going well.
well its been awhile and ive been a busy bee,had to catch up with school cause of the tooth infection shit...getting back on track...only a few weeks left then summer..hoping the wisconsin weather picks up a bit warmer soon..not much new anyway...trying to get in a decent meal for once with break form school instead of the old rushing...not much other than that happening...started a...
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ive done it before, i should take it up again.. and with how youve felt lately it's good to see you better
thanks for the happy birthday
i don't know who they were in the pic, random internet tarts
but i'm glad they did it 
thanks for the happy birthday

i don't know who they were in the pic, random internet tarts

miss you!

i guess i haven't update in a bit...i finally am healing from the infection and the holes are slowly closing..had to rinse the one with warm water and thats been 5 days few to go..its been a pain..and i think ill need the top 2 out before i know it too..i saw my x rays and they too are pushing in too..weather in the 30's...
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Easter was very laid back - my new girl came to town and we spent a very long morning in bed.
Sorry i haven't been on in forever. Ive been buisy as hell and neglecting my poor SG buds.
hope all is well,
Easter was very laid back - my new girl came to town and we spent a very long morning in bed.
Sorry i haven't been on in forever. Ive been buisy as hell and neglecting my poor SG buds.
hope all is well,
hope you feel better
hugs n kisses

hugs n kisses
Well it turns out
i went to the dentist a friend of my husbands co worker at work actually son in law....and believe it or not its an infection from the one wisdom tooth...what the hell i say it hurts like a mother fuck** ...i got pennicillin to take for a week...all that and u get an infection on top of it..its not bad enoughjust...
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i went to the dentist a friend of my husbands co worker at work actually son in law....and believe it or not its an infection from the one wisdom tooth...what the hell i say it hurts like a mother fuck** ...i got pennicillin to take for a week...all that and u get an infection on top of it..its not bad enoughjust...
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awww! You poor thing---its been a while since I delt with wisdom teeth, but I still feel your pain. Hope you're feeling better though. Good, strong medication always helps, eh?
thanks for the birthday wishes!

thanks for the birthday wishes!

are you feeling better these day's??? I'm getting over this cold . How cold is it over there????
im feeling a little better with my teeth gone...still ahrd to eat cause the jaw is sore and the one side was worse to remove...but slowly it will happen..hey i adopted 3 male ferrets its been a year or more since i had these little guys around...ill get some pics up soon...they are all so playful i remember what it was like now....no school tommorow...
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How'd the hubbie eye's come out...try and eat cold ice ,maybe that will help with the teeth

glad ur feeling better

well its about 7 pm and im doing ok after my wisdom teeth,sore and a little puffy and swollen but i have vicodine if i could only feel the last part of my chin...long lasting numbness is right...he was good..the left side was a little more sore because it was impacted and crooked...but in a few ill be good..soft diet i cant even feel my...
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take care, you will be fine! and you are fine!!
Hiya sweetie!!
Omg I miss you so much too. Ouch! wisdom teeth huh? Are you feeling better?
My baby boy is growing so fast... He will be 7 months on the 12th of this month already. He is teething badly.
THanks for the nice words on my pics...I love playing around with my camera
Omg I miss you so much too. Ouch! wisdom teeth huh? Are you feeling better?
My baby boy is growing so fast... He will be 7 months on the 12th of this month already. He is teething badly.
THanks for the nice words on my pics...I love playing around with my camera

well lets see thursday i get my wisdom teeth out in the moring,fun but they are really pissin me off...so its good...hope they heal fast...need to work out...hasnt happened yet...lazy im being which im usually not...
bought lots of new dvds to watch...design class is great...
nothing much new ny hubbies band the cherrypops have a show MARCH 11TH with lockjaw come out to any...
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bought lots of new dvds to watch...design class is great...
nothing much new ny hubbies band the cherrypops have a show MARCH 11TH with lockjaw come out to any...
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they pretty much just pull them right out.. they put some sort of device in there so that they can get the tooth exposed (if it needs it) and then they grab the pliers and just pull..
for mine, they kept shooting me with the novacaine so that the only thing that was bad about it was when they had to sorta rock back and forth on the jaw while pulling.. that and the fact there was a guy with pliers trying to pull out my damn teeth!
but again, it really is not bad at all, especially if they are hurting you now. i will be thinking many good thoughts for you on thursday!
for mine, they kept shooting me with the novacaine so that the only thing that was bad about it was when they had to sorta rock back and forth on the jaw while pulling.. that and the fact there was a guy with pliers trying to pull out my damn teeth!

but again, it really is not bad at all, especially if they are hurting you now. i will be thinking many good thoughts for you on thursday!

I didn't do it! I was framed!!LOL!!!

not to much going on today...no school due to us going to a play in a few weeks,he gives us off to do that...what a guy...
weather still cold and we got dumped with snow ,whats new
been having bullshit teeth and head and sinus crap...need to go on the 3rd of march for wisdom teeth out...they suck...
i bought the dvd saw sat and...
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weather still cold and we got dumped with snow ,whats new
been having bullshit teeth and head and sinus crap...need to go on the 3rd of march for wisdom teeth out...they suck...

i bought the dvd saw sat and...
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Hi sexy
how are things over there...... we just got over this big rain storm

I want to see that movie. My friend said almost the same damn thing about it too!
Strip clubs are fun. I actually tend to enjoy my new job. Yum, naked ladies.
And I am feeling pretty much fine these days aside from occasional pain.
Strip clubs are fun. I actually tend to enjoy my new job. Yum, naked ladies.

And I am feeling pretty much fine these days aside from occasional pain.

well not much happening here today....kjust school and its going well...i love my design class...its really fun and im learning alot...weather here is crappy as usuaul,snow here and there...nothing big though...getting my wisdom teeth out finally on march 3rd....big time pain in the ass for me...i have so much sinus crap from those teeth they call wisdom...i think they should be called wonder teethi wonder...
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I don't ever plan on leaving the site!I love it too much. I got a year membership, so I at least won't be leaving for quite awhile. I will keep your email, though. Thanks for the compliment!
I get really frustrated about the not being able to lift stuff or do too much, but I think people around me that need to help (namely my sister) get even more frustrated. I already hate asking for help, it makes it so much worse when people, especially people that I love, make it so glaringly clear they don't want to help. I think part of the problem is that I feel alright, so my sister does not understand why I am still asking her to do certain things. I just REALLY don't want to rip something. I have gotten frustrated enough to do stuff I wasn't supposed to. I guess I can't blame her, she is the baby and always has everything handed to her. Plus, now she is teenager. Helping me probably is not top priority.
I always thought it would be fun to take a design class. Snow sucks!
so do glasses...
I get really frustrated about the not being able to lift stuff or do too much, but I think people around me that need to help (namely my sister) get even more frustrated. I already hate asking for help, it makes it so much worse when people, especially people that I love, make it so glaringly clear they don't want to help. I think part of the problem is that I feel alright, so my sister does not understand why I am still asking her to do certain things. I just REALLY don't want to rip something. I have gotten frustrated enough to do stuff I wasn't supposed to. I guess I can't blame her, she is the baby and always has everything handed to her. Plus, now she is teenager. Helping me probably is not top priority.
I always thought it would be fun to take a design class. Snow sucks!

One night, very stoned in my door room, we called the lasik eye surgery eight hundret number and pretended to talk the operator into setting us up an appointment to give us xray vision. Finally started laughing so hard I had to just hang up.
To their credit they were much more professional than I deserved.
Hope all is well,
To their credit they were much more professional than I deserved.
Hope all is well,
well a big thank you to all the sg members who wished me a happy birthday!!!!it was alot of people and i hope i said thank you to all....if not thank you to whom i missed...
the support is awesome here on this site..i made alot of friends whom i didnt have til a day ago...school is going good and i love my design class...have...
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the support is awesome here on this site..i made alot of friends whom i didnt have til a day ago...school is going good and i love my design class...have...
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Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!

Hmm, good online clothing? I'm an ebay fanatic!
nothing is really new...have felt like crap all weekned...sinus...dryness headache,body aches...i hate winter...school tommorow already...i need another week or 2...to prepare..ive had no sleep...i got playstation 2 and a shit load of games too...so we stayed in all weekend...everyone is sick it seems...take care of yourselves...and dont spread it to others...
have a good one, 1 week til the big 32.....oh boy...
ciao babies...
have a good one, 1 week til the big 32.....oh boy...
ciao babies...

Your welcome!!

Hey, happy belated birthday!
hope you're feeling better
hope you're feeling better

be well,