So I got fired for "Conduct unbecoming of a manager & inappropiate behavior in the workplace." WOW! You wanna know what I did? I showed some coworkers, who I thought appreciated the art, this picture: 
So it comes down to a manager who disliked me who was just looking for a reason to try to get me fired. The thing is, this guy--if it was this guy & I'm pretty sure it was, had actually come into the strip club where I dance too! So is that not the pot calling the kettle black!
I will be submitting my appeal to get rehirable status back but nothing more. I have no desire to work for that place again at this time if they are going to FIRE me over something like this. I feel it's a bit extreme for sharing art with people. (I asked if anyone was offended and no one said they were.)

So it comes down to a manager who disliked me who was just looking for a reason to try to get me fired. The thing is, this guy--if it was this guy & I'm pretty sure it was, had actually come into the strip club where I dance too! So is that not the pot calling the kettle black!
I will be submitting my appeal to get rehirable status back but nothing more. I have no desire to work for that place again at this time if they are going to FIRE me over something like this. I feel it's a bit extreme for sharing art with people. (I asked if anyone was offended and no one said they were.)
that is a beautiful pic!