it's been a whole week since i posted. woah.
all these dual hot girl sets are incredible. i want to pose so bad!
i watched the sex and the city finale last night. good call on the boyfriend who never has time for anyone but himself. and the gross way that it spreads. you know, he screws you over repeatedly, and you wind up passing along the screwage to other friends and loved ones when he decides at the last minute that he wants to see you.
not so hot on her ending up with the wishy washy commitment-phobe, but whatever. thats why it's tv.
this is road trip weekend. concert is on thursday, and the rest of the days will be spent doing who knows what. though mini's GPS is acting kooky, and will be replaced after the trip. i wonder what color my loaner mini will be. hmmm.
as for the love department, i've never felt anything like this before. someone who's on the same brainwave as me, and vice versa. and on a saturday night, when we both are craving mac and cheese, we both are giddy at the idea of the local ghetto buffet =) no fake stuff, no hiding, no shady stories or excuses. we do everything together, and yet no one is the boss. we're a team. we it just works.
to all those boys who said 'you'll never find what you want, it can't be that perfect, you have to compromise....'
you sure were wrong. =D
megan twztdchik is coming to visit next week. i'm doing a sun dance every day so that it gets to at least 50 while she's here. first stop after the airport is beers of the world
all these dual hot girl sets are incredible. i want to pose so bad!
i watched the sex and the city finale last night. good call on the boyfriend who never has time for anyone but himself. and the gross way that it spreads. you know, he screws you over repeatedly, and you wind up passing along the screwage to other friends and loved ones when he decides at the last minute that he wants to see you.
not so hot on her ending up with the wishy washy commitment-phobe, but whatever. thats why it's tv.
this is road trip weekend. concert is on thursday, and the rest of the days will be spent doing who knows what. though mini's GPS is acting kooky, and will be replaced after the trip. i wonder what color my loaner mini will be. hmmm.
as for the love department, i've never felt anything like this before. someone who's on the same brainwave as me, and vice versa. and on a saturday night, when we both are craving mac and cheese, we both are giddy at the idea of the local ghetto buffet =) no fake stuff, no hiding, no shady stories or excuses. we do everything together, and yet no one is the boss. we're a team. we it just works.
to all those boys who said 'you'll never find what you want, it can't be that perfect, you have to compromise....'
you sure were wrong. =D
megan twztdchik is coming to visit next week. i'm doing a sun dance every day so that it gets to at least 50 while she's here. first stop after the airport is beers of the world

so ya, pretty lame at this resolution, but thats the general layout of places that do not suck, i didnt put station square down YOU CANT MISS IT if you cross smitfield bridge.
have fun! you two are too cute! i was in a relationship like yours once and um almost got married