Well it is 1.25 am now i must leave for work in a short few hours, or atlest wake up to go to work in a few short hours. I am not entirely sure why..... why it is that we have an imagination at times. It can be our greatest hinderance in the big picture, and at times it can even be our best friend when we want to escape our problems and read a fantasy book or something along these lines in order to foger where we are. I do know this much, and i believe this with all my mother fucken heart. My imagination will kill me, The way i am feeling tonight i will not sleep at all, and god damn it i haven't felt this way in years... not years. I kinda wish someone else was awake with me, but i will try to sleep again soon i suppose.
This all came about when i was laying there trying to sleep diligently as ever. I've always had a problem trying to sleep. Its just one of those things that don't come easy for a person like me. I was trying to convince my body to fall asleep as i know my mind would soon follow and this has worked may times in the past. Gawd Damn it ! Anyways , i was thinking about the places I have been before and my mom has always said i am sensitive to the spiritual realm... my folks are christians to put it mildly at best, I was thinking about my grandfathers house on my fathers side. *breathes*
They use to live in a house in gladstone. There was,,,(seems like i can't type, as i almost went about typing sinfule.) something awfully wrong about this house. I had can remember everything about it. the configuration of the rooms where the furniture was, but i have not forgotten how i was scared shitless of there basement. Don't get me wrong its just a basement, and i have been in many basesments with the hairs rising on the back of my neck and an awful fear creaing up inside of me, and then of course i would then panic and run up the stairs like something was clawin at my legs damn near tripping. I even had nightmares about this basement when i was young , this is just something for the life of me i don't understand. As well as the fact there are certain parts of there house that is just a blur, where i remember others like i was standing there.
Oh well i am in the firm conclusion that there was something there, and there is something there still. a very few things scare the fucken shit out of me. I have never gotten scared by movies or anthing of that nature, but there are other things that get me like that which is very much so getting to me this very day. So i don't get it . I just know its almost now 1.4o am and i am wide awake.
*looks around* .................
random thought time -> why is it after you have looked at someone for a certain amount of time there beauty fades away, and some people bear remarkable daemonic features in there faces. Just hideous faces that i can not bear looking at in paintings, pictures and naturally real life of course. I also have a hyper active imagination that always gets the best of me for those who are reading this journal, and when your imagination seems so real . I think it becomes real to some extinct. Gawd forbid i ever take shroooms.... i'd fucken kill myself probably. I know it was not be a good trip by any means, and that concludes this journal entry.
Peace ~ i think...... maybe over there, but not here.
This all came about when i was laying there trying to sleep diligently as ever. I've always had a problem trying to sleep. Its just one of those things that don't come easy for a person like me. I was trying to convince my body to fall asleep as i know my mind would soon follow and this has worked may times in the past. Gawd Damn it ! Anyways , i was thinking about the places I have been before and my mom has always said i am sensitive to the spiritual realm... my folks are christians to put it mildly at best, I was thinking about my grandfathers house on my fathers side. *breathes*
They use to live in a house in gladstone. There was,,,(seems like i can't type, as i almost went about typing sinfule.) something awfully wrong about this house. I had can remember everything about it. the configuration of the rooms where the furniture was, but i have not forgotten how i was scared shitless of there basement. Don't get me wrong its just a basement, and i have been in many basesments with the hairs rising on the back of my neck and an awful fear creaing up inside of me, and then of course i would then panic and run up the stairs like something was clawin at my legs damn near tripping. I even had nightmares about this basement when i was young , this is just something for the life of me i don't understand. As well as the fact there are certain parts of there house that is just a blur, where i remember others like i was standing there.
Oh well i am in the firm conclusion that there was something there, and there is something there still. a very few things scare the fucken shit out of me. I have never gotten scared by movies or anthing of that nature, but there are other things that get me like that which is very much so getting to me this very day. So i don't get it . I just know its almost now 1.4o am and i am wide awake.
*looks around* .................
random thought time -> why is it after you have looked at someone for a certain amount of time there beauty fades away, and some people bear remarkable daemonic features in there faces. Just hideous faces that i can not bear looking at in paintings, pictures and naturally real life of course. I also have a hyper active imagination that always gets the best of me for those who are reading this journal, and when your imagination seems so real . I think it becomes real to some extinct. Gawd forbid i ever take shroooms.... i'd fucken kill myself probably. I know it was not be a good trip by any means, and that concludes this journal entry.
Peace ~ i think...... maybe over there, but not here.