woo hoo! halloween weekend. i'm kinda fucking pissed, though because my throat has been hurting and i feel like crap lately. normally this is an awesome booty weekend but i'm just not on point. it might have helped if i didn't have to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn every day for work. actually, i wake up before dawn. it's still pitch black when i get to work at 6:30. anyway, i'm feeling pissy.
and not only that, but i'm all bulgy in my god damn costume. i drink too much. way too much to be cute as a bumble bee. actually, i guess you can never be too bloated to be a good bumblebee. but i'm still pissed.
okay, but on a better note i just got my hair did. and i like it a lot. my friend needed a hair model and so i got a free color and cut at cowboys and angels. i really like that place. and we're gonna trade and so i can get my hair cut and colored whenever i want! yippee!!! it's a "razor-cut bob". ooohhh. fancy. anyway, it works perfectly with my costume. i don't feel like loading the pics onto the computer but i'll take some when i'm drunk and post 'em later. but i really hope nobody says they hate my hair. that might make me cry.
okay. and i'm also getting pretty frustrated that i can't get my tattoo books because i'm getting a bit antsy already! i'm still an ink virgin. i wonder if that's a turn-on to any hot chicks???? didn't think so.
okay, *****HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!******
and wait until you see the pumpkin me and marsh carved. SO cool! it's a pumpkin eating a pumpkin. don't copy.

and not only that, but i'm all bulgy in my god damn costume. i drink too much. way too much to be cute as a bumble bee. actually, i guess you can never be too bloated to be a good bumblebee. but i'm still pissed.
okay, but on a better note i just got my hair did. and i like it a lot. my friend needed a hair model and so i got a free color and cut at cowboys and angels. i really like that place. and we're gonna trade and so i can get my hair cut and colored whenever i want! yippee!!! it's a "razor-cut bob". ooohhh. fancy. anyway, it works perfectly with my costume. i don't feel like loading the pics onto the computer but i'll take some when i'm drunk and post 'em later. but i really hope nobody says they hate my hair. that might make me cry.
okay. and i'm also getting pretty frustrated that i can't get my tattoo books because i'm getting a bit antsy already! i'm still an ink virgin. i wonder if that's a turn-on to any hot chicks???? didn't think so.
okay, *****HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!******
and wait until you see the pumpkin me and marsh carved. SO cool! it's a pumpkin eating a pumpkin. don't copy.

-fellow ink virgin