I am so excited... we are planning to get rid of most of our shit, put the clothes and importand crap in storage and take off for Asia for a few months. I never thought i would be the type of person to do something like that. first of all, i'm a total germ phobe and i know way too much about foreign pathogens and intestinal parisites to feel like i can enjoy foreign food. also, i'm a total control freak and it's hard to imagine wandering around without a concrete plan. i'm also extremely attached to my things (and i sleep with a blankie... i know it's ridiculous, but i can't sleep without it!) and i like having my own clothes and books and pictures and food, etc. and finally, i try to be a compulsive saver so the prospect of spending my life's savings is hard to swallow. but in the end, it will be an invaluable experience and all the things that will make the trip difficult will be character-building to endure. I'm SO FUCKING EXCITED!!!
Now in the meantime, as much sex and drinking as possible. I've been feeling burnt out, but i need to get creative. also, Burning Man is coming up and i have to decide if i can handle going. i'm on the fence. anyway, hopefully i'll have some cool stories after next week. hee hee : )
Now in the meantime, as much sex and drinking as possible. I've been feeling burnt out, but i need to get creative. also, Burning Man is coming up and i have to decide if i can handle going. i'm on the fence. anyway, hopefully i'll have some cool stories after next week. hee hee : )
cute pics.......hope you have fun at burning man and asia.......

omg you are going to have so much fun! i've never been to burning man, but asia and asians are indisputably awesome.