It's been great. I've been working for the past couple of days and now I'm a little worn out, but I've got an empty house. I'm going to be hanging out in a towel, listening to music, and probably looking at pictures of naked chicks... Or nap, we'll see.
I would, except for the fact that eating anything hurts.
thanks - I've got them on now.......... wink
I keep seeing in profiles that chicks like good kissers. What if the guy's a great kisser, but sucks in bed?

Not me of course, I'm fairly certain that half the time, I'm pretty mediocre, which is much better than "sucks". The other half the time I'm sleeping and I'm awesome at sleeping with anyone.
lmao! you guys are hilarious smile let's have an orgy. hahaha
One day Girlbot... one day.
Some months ago, when everything seemed to go from great to crap in about a week, I was feeling pretty miserable, like nothing else could go wrong. I was so broke, I started buying my groceries from Walmart and I would mostly get the store brand. I can't stand Walmart. I wasn't supposed to be driving my car, because it wasn't safe until work was...
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you and me, both...........
Another day of baby poo. I think the problem is that we're potty training him and he's doing great with it, but when his diaper is dirty, he takes it off. So if he poops in the morning or at nap time, he's not going to stay in it.

Anyway, I'm working on life right now and it's going to be awesome. Some months ago,...
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Thanks for the thoughtful comment -
I thought I might leave this sight because it's where I have met a few people who have hurt me a lot. But that would be letting the bad memories win, and have the upper hand ( so to speak ). I realized that I have a couple of friends on this site, whose opinions I value and would miss if I left. Even though you guys are just " online " friends - you help to keep me motivated and feeling positive. Thank you for that.smile
Well, they're still turning... but again, great suggestion about the dry-erase board. I have one, but it's hidden behind my office door. I think today's project will be moving it.
Last week was a rough week. There were two days that my son decided to finger paint with his poop and smear it into the carpet. My son is 25 months old and almost 40lbs, his diaper fulls are awful. Another day, he got into his closet, found the butt paste and smeared that everywhere. He does these things during his nap time. Sometimes I...
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I like working on cars, or at least being able to take care of the minor stuff myself. It gives me an awesome feeling of accomplishment.
I'm having trouble wasting time on my usual things. I started taking Adderall a few days ago and I've been staying busy. I had a list of things that I needed to get done today and I actually got most of it done, without feeling completely tired and miserable. Well, miserable in the usual way. Instead of being tired and dysfunctional, I had a list...
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I woke up early this morning, my son woke up a little late. It was nice to have some time to waste on comp. I ended up spending my time looking up Roosevelt, the Great Depression, New Deal, and a bunch of other stuff that has to do with welfare. My son woke up while I was in the middle of stuff, so I left...
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Indeed, that is a different issue.
i need to get my oil changed. fuck, my plates are still expired.
What's new? Well, I shaved my mohawk. My son's two. I'm not working anymore. I'm strictly a stay at home parent, but trying to change that. I love being able to stay home with my son, but being at home all the time is driving me nuts. I don't get to go out or anything these days. Anyway, what else is new... I give myself...
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What a cutie pie ( Ozzy ) tongue

Why the testosterone shot?
You can get pics to show up properly on sg without resizing if you tell the [ IMG ] tag how big they are.

For example, to make a 1024x768 pic show up properly, you'd just type [ IMG|1024x768 ]
That's IMG, per usual, followed by a pipe (shift-backslash) followed by the WIDTHxHEIGHT.
Extra spacing added to keep SG from actually reading that as a tag. Take out the extra spaces when you use it, of course.