I had a fun Fourth of July. We had food and fireworks. We also had a friend over, so after the fireworks, we sat around and played video games.
Still no baby. We've been thinking about when the baby's here. We don't like the idea of daycare and it's hard enough, as it is, with us being working parents and having a fourteen year old. I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit my job. The baby's due in less than two weeks, so I'll put in my two weeks. I switched to part time very recently and my job might have covered the cost of daycare, but we really want to be the only people responsible for screwing up our kid.
Other than that, I recently noticed someone mention how old they are on SG and my account just renewed.
I think I'm on 5 SG years.
Spoilers have a post from around this time, each year before.... it's not that interesting.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Monday blog
JULY 5, 2004 @ 01:27 PM
Well yesterday was a great 4th of July, I went to sleep right after I got home and that was it. Today there's been alot of nothing going on all day. I'm going to pic my wife up in a little bit and then maybe go play in the river. That's Malaki in the profile picture.
Thursday blog
JULY 7, 2005 @ 02:48 PM
For some reason my account is still active, I'm expecting it to go away any day now. But since it's still here...
The 4th of July was awesome. We went to a part and had a lot of fun.
I weighed myself the other day, I weighed 181 lbs. I haven't been above 180 in a long time, so I'm starting to exercise, walk more, and eat better... Not counting the cheesy garlic bread sticks and slice of pizza I just ate, that was left-overs from before I weighed myself and I had to get rid of it. I had started riding my bike a lot more some weeks ago, but it got a flat tire, from riding on a trail that wasn't to friendly to my bike. Once I get that fixed, I am probably going to ride to my wife's work while she is at work. It's a long ride, but if I don't feel like I ride back, I will put my bike in our SUV and take the SUV. If I'm alright after, I can ride my bike to her work a couple of times a week. (I know I ramble, but I get a lot of random thoughts in my head and if I didn't put the on here, then I would end up putting nothing on here.)
I'm reading a really good book, it's called American Gods. I recently finished reading Good Omens. Good Omens was written by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman, it was funny and pretty good, but American Gods is so much better. This is one of the best books I've read in a long time. Oh yeah.. I almost forgot, American Gods is by Neil Gaiman. If your looking for a good book to read, you should pick this one up.
Thursday blog
JULY 6, 2006 @ 06:33 PM
Last night was the first time that I drank in the past few months. For some reason I picked tequila. The bottle is empty. I did share some of it.
Tuesday blog
JULY 3, 2007 @ 11:02 PM
Last post until Louisiana. I'm unhooking my modem now.
Goodbye LA.
Tuesday blog
JULY 1, 2008 @ 08:44 AM
Other than yesterday, the last time I threw up was near the end of 2006, outside the Kopa Room after drinking too much of everything, especially if it was cheap. I've been feeling awful. I'm feeling a lot better than I was yesterday, but still awful. I'm so hungry, but I don't want to eat anything... maybe I'll have an apple.
That's all. I have nothing interesting to say.
whats really cool is next year we will be writting blogs that have a stuff about the baby in it
Oh and your the most awesome daddy every.. thanks for deciding to be a stay at home daddy, your gonna be awesome at it