I got a job offer today. Tomorrow, I'm going to call them and tell them that I'll take it. It's a sales job at a Harley Davidson store. A guy came into the smoothie place I work at and ordered a smoothie. I noticed he had a Harley jacket on and there's a Harley store right down the street, so I started telling him about a "text club" we have and suggested that he tell his employees about it and we'll be sending out a text message later. He may have also walked in while I was selling someone else on something else. When I was done, after I wrote some info down for him, he told me I should stop by the Harley place after work for an interview. I told him that I'm about to become Asst. Manager for this store. He asked me how much I make. I told him about how much I make and he told me a much higher number for the first month and that the rest of them would be higher.
I almost didn't go to the interview. I've worked hard where I'm at and I'm about to move up and I've been moving up quickly because of my hard work. I felt I should go check it out, maybe I could do both. The girl who called the manager seemed surprised that I was filling out an application and getting an interview. The sales manager seemed he was trying to get me to take the job, when normally it's the person trying to sell themself for the job. It also seems like they don't hire often and they don't have a large staff. The only problem is that if I take this job, I will have no time for my other two jobs. I feel very useful and needed at my two jobs and that's one of my favorite parts about my jobs.
I talked to my boss about an hour ago. I told him that it would be dumb for me to pass up this opportunity, he agreed. I think my other boss will also agree.
Right now, I'm nervous about taking a new job that I know nothing about. I disappointed that I'll have to leave my main job, becuase I had lots of ideas and I was coming up with plans for the store. I feel bad because I know my manager was looking forward to finally having more help with management. I also feel bad because my other job is about to get to the busy season and there's lots to be done. I'm excited about a new job. I'm excited about the amount of money they said I could make. I'm nervous that I won't be as good as a salesman as I think I'll be. I'm confident that I can sell anything, especially with a month of training.
Update: Feels worse. Just realized that my boss sent me a lot of email about management things this morning... Which reminds me, today he gave me a packet for the franchise policies and other stuff... I'm starting to feel like poop.
Update: I talked to both my bosses. I can go back to both of them if things don't work out. I'm going to get a drug test tomorrow for my new job. I'm going to nap.
I almost didn't go to the interview. I've worked hard where I'm at and I'm about to move up and I've been moving up quickly because of my hard work. I felt I should go check it out, maybe I could do both. The girl who called the manager seemed surprised that I was filling out an application and getting an interview. The sales manager seemed he was trying to get me to take the job, when normally it's the person trying to sell themself for the job. It also seems like they don't hire often and they don't have a large staff. The only problem is that if I take this job, I will have no time for my other two jobs. I feel very useful and needed at my two jobs and that's one of my favorite parts about my jobs.
I talked to my boss about an hour ago. I told him that it would be dumb for me to pass up this opportunity, he agreed. I think my other boss will also agree.
Right now, I'm nervous about taking a new job that I know nothing about. I disappointed that I'll have to leave my main job, becuase I had lots of ideas and I was coming up with plans for the store. I feel bad because I know my manager was looking forward to finally having more help with management. I also feel bad because my other job is about to get to the busy season and there's lots to be done. I'm excited about a new job. I'm excited about the amount of money they said I could make. I'm nervous that I won't be as good as a salesman as I think I'll be. I'm confident that I can sell anything, especially with a month of training.

Update: Feels worse. Just realized that my boss sent me a lot of email about management things this morning... Which reminds me, today he gave me a packet for the franchise policies and other stuff... I'm starting to feel like poop.
Update: I talked to both my bosses. I can go back to both of them if things don't work out. I'm going to get a drug test tomorrow for my new job. I'm going to nap.
Your boss was just trying to help you get more comfortable. If it's just business he should understand you need to take this opportunity. That said, don't burn any bridges in case this doesn't work out. 

Tough situation, but yeah, I'd go for it, too. Good luck!