My boss comes in, only about 45 minutes late, which is impressive, and I get to go do other things like call make orders for the store. I go back up front, while my boss is doing something else and this black guy and a kid walk in. They have a sheet of paper in hand and the guy tells me that they are trying to raise money and he tells, who I assume is his kid, to tell me about it. The kid is five or six, I'm bad at guessing age, and he tells me that they are raising money so he can buy jerseys for him to play football and something else. I tell him to hold on and I go get the little bit of money that I had in my tip cup, $5.15, which is the only money I had at the time, and give it to him. There was an older white guy by the register, when I was counting my money. After I gave the kid my money, he stopped them before they left and donated some money. The guy, that I'm guessing is the father, seemed very happy and appreciative. He made sure to shake my hand and thank me before he left. It made me happy. After I was thinking how nice it would have been to have a parent that would take me around like that, so I could participate in sports. Instead, we just didn't have the money and mom was too busy.
A little bit later, I was thinking about the inauguration and Obama. then thinking about my kid doing a biography on Martin Luther King and a quote popped into my head...
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I never remember the whole thing perfectly, but it's the only important quote that ever pops into my head.
I might be rambling. I'm just kind of excited and happy... and tired.
A couple of girls at my work voted for Obama because he is black. I'm not guessing. I know. They seemed to know very, very little about politics and one of them told me that she was voting for him because he is black. I voted for him because I think he's going to be a great president. His color, is just a bonus. I think having a black president it going to be a very positive change for America, but only if he's a good president.
... I'm too tired to continue my rambling. Good night.