I recently got a small raise at one of my jobs, with a little more responsibility. It wasn't much, but I've only been there a short time. At my other job, I think I might get a raise when baseball season starts, with a little more responsibility. He said instead of having two people do my job, with me there, he shouldn't need anyone else and I'll take care of the suites. I'm excited and it makes me feel good when I know I'm appreciated. I've been thinking about looking into another or different job, so I can make more money, but I really like both my jobs... but even with raises, I could make more money somewhere else. That's why, I'd like to get a third job... but I have a teenager, which is more difficult and time consuming than my jobs. I don't think I have time for another one, but maybe something will come up, since I don't work at my second job every day.
I'm starting to think that my wife's not really pregnant. She just snuck and got a boob job and wants an excuse to snack more. It's cool.
I'm starting to think that my wife's not really pregnant. She just snuck and got a boob job and wants an excuse to snack more. It's cool.
Ha- ha! Just you wait!!

Yeah money. You responsible motherfucker