So... my wife decided to burn a few CDs for the car. Our CD's are black and you can't really read what you write on them, so she put some white tape on it before she put it in to burn... I was sitting here and something made me ask if it was working. She said that it was going really slow, then I heard a funny noise. I asked her to open it and check out the CD (I didn't know about the tape). She didn't hear me when I asked her and she didn't hear the noise, but she did decide to tell me about how she put tape on the CD so she could write on it... I had to ask her what she said, because I was sure I must have misheard her. The CD ROM opened on it's own, ejecting the disc, without any tape on it. The computer said that it couldn't read the disc. I sat there quietly for a minute, staring at her. I felt like crying, worried that it was going to break my computer and I'm not able to afford to fix it... Fortunately, I thought she was really cute about the whole thing. As I was taking my computer apart, she dusted most of it off. Once I had the case off, I was able to reach the tape to get it out and everything works fine now.

Man. That was an exhilarating story. 

lol. I'm glad your computa didn't break....they're a necessity now a days.