Last month was an interesting month. It started off pretty bad, had some good stuff, then things got bad again. Rent's due yesterday, I think I have enough money for it. I just hope I have money for the other bills. Next Sunday is my last day of work at this job. I will hopefully find something soon.... soon, like this week. I don't know what I want to do. I know I don't want to wait tables anymore. I found an add for a warehouse job, but the number was a fax number. I don't know if that's what I want to do anyway, but I would have been working the same hours as my wife, having weekends off. I need more time to spend with my wife. It would be so nice to have a day that we could wake up togethe and one of us not have to go to work. Weekend after next, we'll have all weekend off together.
I'm thinking about seeing if my in-laws will watch our 12yr old for the weekend. We could stock the fridge, throw the computer and phone out the window, and spend all weekend at home. The only thing that would suck, is that we would still have our roommates here. Maybe, we'll just go spend the weekend at her parent's house with the 12yr old. That would still be nice, I really do like having him around. I feel sick. I probably shouldn't have eaten at a pizza buffet, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Tomorrow's Monday. A new week, a new day, it'll be good.

Tomorrow's Monday. A new week, a new day, it'll be good.

Dont worry, things will wrok out....its hard trying to find that right work-home life balance.
i think if there we are able to plan a family night and a date night for the 2 of us, we should be doing much better