Some people have someone that they look up to. If the person is in a situation and isn't sure what to do, they think "What would this person do?" Everyone has seen the damn WWJD bracelets. As much crazy as they are, they have someone to guide them when they aren't sure of what to do. I've never had anything like that. I've always been more of "What would SexyBeast do?" The problem with that is SexyBeast hasn't accomplished a whole lot and plays on the computer too much. Most situations SexyBeast can handle by doing what SexyBeast does, but there are times that I procrastinate too much and need another person to help guide me. I've decided that person is Tupac.
hm.... i want one again.
next paycheck.
oh yeah and having someone to guide you is good. like the little bracelet you guys got me, theres a saint on there that is so cool. it was a child (boy) that performed miracles back in the day. that guy George that came to the Copa with us that night (one of my coworkers, he's the one with the facial hair in the pics) well, he was telling me that when he was 9 months old, he crawled onto the balcony and fell off the edge. he said his mom screamed out the name of that saint as he was falling and George landed on his butt, got up and walked. he was 9 months old. he didnt know how to walk. and he said he only walked for that moment afterwards. he said it better, but i was like NO WAY! he said, 'yeah, see that little kid on your bracelet? thats him'. he told me his name but its a long ass name that takes like 10 minutes to pronounce.
anyway, talk about long! hehe...
Okay, so this has been bugging me for a while. You have this YouTube video on your profile that blocks your blog whenever I come to read it and I can't figure out whether you purposely put it there (I think it's on your header where your pictures and blurb go) or whether there is something jacked with the way my computer loads your page. Do tell me if you put there so I don't think I am going crazy!