There is a thread on the boards about a school finally having a prom that isn't segregated and there were a few comments about voluntary segregation, with the kids seperating themselves into the groups. I started to respond to one and I started rambling and reminiscing, so I continued and decided to post it here, not there.
It was like that a lot at the schools that I went to. When I was in elementry school, I had a few black friends but we kind of ended up in seperate groups in junior high. I don't know why, it seemed like they just ended up hanging out with the black kids. I guess, to them, it just seemed like I ended up hanging out with the white kids. I don't think it's anything intentionally for anyone, it's just how it happens. We were still friendly. I was a little kid in junior high and got picked on some. One of the girls that I was friends with in elementry, she was big for her age, stood up for me. There was more than one occasion that other black girls stood up for me, which could explain my thing for black chicks. A lot of them said that I was cute for a little white boy.
One random chick at a gas station, that I think was much older, asked if she could tie my shoe and commented about how cute I was. I'm positive that she was coming onto me, I was probably about twelve.
Anyway, it's kind of funny with school, the older we got, the more seperated we all got. Even when I moved and was one of the few kids in a mostly black neighborhood, I still felt seperated and I was harassed by the cops a few times in that neighborhood, white cops.
I think it was because I didn't fit in. I never had any problems with kids my age in that neighborhood. I think it was partially because the summer before I started high school, I sprouted up to 6'1" and because I wore all black and was quiet. There was more than once that the black chicks in my ROTC class asked me to let them know before I decided to shot up the school, they said they wouldn't tell, they just didn't want to get shot. They gave me the nickname "Killer".
This all reminds me of not to long ago, I was telling my good friend Skippy about a couple of guys that came into the gas station I worked at when I was 18. The first time they came in I recognized one of them and heard the other guy say his name. I asked him his last name and when he told me, I was really excited to see him. He was a good friend that I'd had in elementry school. Up until hurricane Katrina, I had pictures of him and some other friends hanging out at the school. It seemed like he didn't remember me, he said he recognized me. I was really disappointed. Anyway, he was a regular after that, I worked nights and him and a person or two would come shop for treats and such. One night, him and the main guy I was used to seeing him show up with come in and... (this is what I posted in Skippy's journal)
Which reminds me of when a couple of guys came into the gas station I worked at and one went to the restroom, while the other asked for condoms.
Me: What kind?
Him: Do you have the extra lubricated kind?
Me: (looks towards the restroom) Oh... right...
Him: No, it's not like that.
Me: Hey, I don't judge. Whatever you're into doesn't matter to me.
(His friend comes out the restroom)
Him: Tell this guy that these aren't for me and you.
Me: I understand. It's not for you and him. Your secret is safe... not a word to anybody from me.
There was more said and the whole thing went on for probably about ten minutes or so, it was really funny.
Anyway, I don't think there was any point to all of this rambling. After I started, I realized that it didn't fit where I had orginally intended it and wanted to ramble on some. I had wine earlier, now I'm going to bed.
Good night.
It was like that a lot at the schools that I went to. When I was in elementry school, I had a few black friends but we kind of ended up in seperate groups in junior high. I don't know why, it seemed like they just ended up hanging out with the black kids. I guess, to them, it just seemed like I ended up hanging out with the white kids. I don't think it's anything intentionally for anyone, it's just how it happens. We were still friendly. I was a little kid in junior high and got picked on some. One of the girls that I was friends with in elementry, she was big for her age, stood up for me. There was more than one occasion that other black girls stood up for me, which could explain my thing for black chicks. A lot of them said that I was cute for a little white boy.

Anyway, it's kind of funny with school, the older we got, the more seperated we all got. Even when I moved and was one of the few kids in a mostly black neighborhood, I still felt seperated and I was harassed by the cops a few times in that neighborhood, white cops.

This all reminds me of not to long ago, I was telling my good friend Skippy about a couple of guys that came into the gas station I worked at when I was 18. The first time they came in I recognized one of them and heard the other guy say his name. I asked him his last name and when he told me, I was really excited to see him. He was a good friend that I'd had in elementry school. Up until hurricane Katrina, I had pictures of him and some other friends hanging out at the school. It seemed like he didn't remember me, he said he recognized me. I was really disappointed. Anyway, he was a regular after that, I worked nights and him and a person or two would come shop for treats and such. One night, him and the main guy I was used to seeing him show up with come in and... (this is what I posted in Skippy's journal)
Which reminds me of when a couple of guys came into the gas station I worked at and one went to the restroom, while the other asked for condoms.
Me: What kind?
Him: Do you have the extra lubricated kind?
Me: (looks towards the restroom) Oh... right...
Him: No, it's not like that.
Me: Hey, I don't judge. Whatever you're into doesn't matter to me.
(His friend comes out the restroom)
Him: Tell this guy that these aren't for me and you.
Me: I understand. It's not for you and him. Your secret is safe... not a word to anybody from me.
There was more said and the whole thing went on for probably about ten minutes or so, it was really funny.
Anyway, I don't think there was any point to all of this rambling. After I started, I realized that it didn't fit where I had orginally intended it and wanted to ramble on some. I had wine earlier, now I'm going to bed.
Good night.
Pictures from last Tuesday that you might like to see: