My wife got a job in Arcadia. We found a studio aparment that we like and we might move into. I'm really excited about the apartment.
My wife doesn't want the job in Arcadia and I don't really care about Arcadia. Tomorrow, she's flying to Louisiana. She's flying out of LAX, so I'm going to be in LA in the morning. I might try to find something to do while I'm out there, but I have no idea what. Any suggestions?
This morning my hair was a mess and I couldn't get it to do what it was supposed to, so I figured I'd put some hair gel in it. I have two hair gels, one is "super stiff" the other is "weightless something or another".
Me (to my wife): Which one should I use, the weightless one or the super stiff one?
Wife: I don't know.
Me: Howabout, I use this one and you take the super stiff one?
Wife: *shakes head*
Me: Whatever... *walks to bathroom to fix hair*
Later in the car, after looking at apartments:
Wife: After we move, I'm going to be working days. On my days off, I expect margaritas and trips to the beach.
Me: (Jokingly) Trips to the beach fine, but I don't know about those fancy margaritas. I'll make you vanilla cokes instead.
Wife: But margaritas have tequila in them don't they?
Me: Oh, that's right!
^That one's only good, if you know what tequila's good for. I'm not telling. I'll let your perverted minds think whatever they do.
Oh and I love the cats too. I have a wonderful cat who I love very much.
Could you check out my poem in my latest blog? It may cheer you!