A memory from elementry school just popped into my head. I never did homework in elementry school. I think it was in fourth grade when my teacher sat down and talked to me about it. I told her about what it was like at home. My brother was very mean and abusive. I don't mean like the normal picking on that older brothers do to little brothers. I mean physically abusive, with more than normal picking on that older brothers do. My mom was always at work. I would see her in the morning when she would wake me up for school, then sometimes at night, if I stayed up really late. So, the teacher scheduled a conference with my mom. All three of us talked about it and they decided it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. Everything continued like it was.
Other than that, my wife is going to be out of town March 21-28. So, those of you that are planning on planning events, be nice and make it so we can both go. Of course, that means she'll be working March 18,19,20, 29, 30, 31. Hmm... it looks like the last two weeks of March. I'm only saying this because a couple of people were talking about planning things that they wanted her to go to. They were nice enough to say that I could come along as well, but apparently I'm not that important.
Mardi Gras Party - FEB 17. I'm also going to use it to celelbrate my b-day.
It was the first real party that we had, with SG people.
Other than that, my wife is going to be out of town March 21-28. So, those of you that are planning on planning events, be nice and make it so we can both go. Of course, that means she'll be working March 18,19,20, 29, 30, 31. Hmm... it looks like the last two weeks of March. I'm only saying this because a couple of people were talking about planning things that they wanted her to go to. They were nice enough to say that I could come along as well, but apparently I'm not that important.
Mardi Gras Party - FEB 17. I'm also going to use it to celelbrate my b-day.
It was the first real party that we had, with SG people.
Im assuming that voicemail was recent but im not so sure cause im horrible about checking it,
<-- phone phobia , if you ever wanna send me a message reliably email is better.
anyway i do have starcraft. im gonna try really hard to remember to bring it and condorman on saturday.