I really thought I had something interesting to say... I think I think that too often. I'm thinking about entering the addictive World of Warcarft. I think I think too many things. I think I'm sexy.
Undeniably, one of the hardest hitting and unapologetic looks a caucasoid can rock is the white boy afro. It's one of those all or nothing moves, seeking the big payoff in the respect of your fellow men and the adoration of women everywhere. Guys who win with this thing are viewed as hip beyond mortal limitations, sexually virile, freewheeling and living The Life.
- http://dethroner.com/2007/01/16/ultimate-hair-risk-white-boy-afro/
You just wait for it. I doubt it will be ready for the Mardi Gras/ b-day party on FEB 17, which will actually be something like a one year anniversary for my parties.
You go with your bad self!