We're drinking wine and eating grapes, while my wife is trying on clothes. We're going to Vegas in 10 days, she's getting clothes ready. It's a great idea. If we didn't have everthing ready, it would be a big, whiney mess while we were getting ready to go. I still need to get a few things to wear, but I'm not to worried about it.
I think the last time I had grapes was right before I went into the hospital for my surgery. I remember them being so good. After my surgery, while I was in the hospital, I really wanted grapes and watermelon. I had fluids going to me through my IV, so I stayed very hydrated, but I couldn't eat or drink anything for a week after my surgery. The moisture that my mouth recieved was from these little spongey things, that I loved. Anyway, after I got out of the hospital, I didn't want grapes anymore, but now I'm having them and they are better than ever.
In a little bit, I'm going to fix salads for us, then we'll maybe split a burger. We've been trying to have a better diet, now we're trying to have smaller portions. The burgers are buffalo burgers that Trader Joe's sells. They are healthier than regular burgers and damn good.
Here's yesterday's post:
We're having a little thing here Friday, the 12th, for Skippy_B and RedVillian. Their bday is Thursday... I really need to double check and make sure that they can both make it, but either way, it's the only time we can do something here. Unfortunately, Urblueygrl has to work, so it won't be too much fun, since she is always the life of the party, but we will try and enjoy ourselves still. I already promised her that I will be depressed and do nothing but miss her all night. I'm only going to buy some sodas. So, I'd like it if people brought something or a few dollars for pizza or something. It's not necessary, if you can't, but it'd be very appreciated.
Other than that, I've talked to my wife, she's okayed me having sex with your mother, as long as she is attractive...
i havent been to trader joe's in a quite a while...