I love dressing up for Halloween. My costume last night was a big hit. I'll post a pic of it later. Now that Halloween's over, I might cut my hair and shave.
I had a dream that I was killed by zombies. It was the first time they ever won. I'm not saying that I always win, but I've never been killed. Most of the time, when I have a dream about the zombie apocalypse, I'm surviving. Surviving is winning. I'm wondering if there's some meaning to the dream.
I was outside with a group of people.... Read More
Obama was in town. I tried to go see the sites at the town hall meeting. I had Ozzy with me. He was getting pretty fussy, so we got comfortable under a tree. I started to get the bottle ready and realized that I had no nipples. I had to get all the way back to the car, which was quite a walk, in the... Read More
SexyBeast: At about 6AM NASA's going to crash a couple of spaceships into the moon. Moon dust is going to float to earth and start the Zombie Apocalypse.
Highlight of my night: Great day for Ozzy. He spent most of it happy, smiling and laughing. Tonight, he started fussing and spitting up. The wife passed him over to me, so she could get some sleep. He was being real fussy. I put him in the swing and told him he was stinky. He's looks me in the eye, I stick my tongue out... Read More
If I knew then what I know now... If I hadn't done that... Things would be easier if... If I had done this, things would be different... "If" "Than" "Could of" "Would of" "Should of", but then this, that or the other...
One of the few nights that I wandered into this dirty, little bar on the service road, by the I-10, a familar looking,... Read More
Honestly, I don't know as much as I'd like to about the new health reform plan, but I know more than most of the people I talk to. This Humana thing has me looking into it a little more. I'd like to know other people's opinions and thoughts about the Humana letter.
Pretty recently Humana starting sending out a letter to customers enrolled in their... Read More
Taken from the September issue of Rolling Stone,
"Forty-five percent of people eligible for Medicare believe, 'the government should stay out of Medicare'".
I've been feeling kind of sick for a short time, maybe a few days, I'm not sure. Other than feeling sick after I eat or drink something and having an upset stomach, everything has started tasting funny... Actually, everything has started tasting bad. With dinner tonight, I had four different things on my plate, all of it had a slight taste of whatever it was... Read More
Ozzy's eight weeks old today. He's the best thing in the world. I think I tried to watch a movie one of the other days while we were home alone, it didn't work out. Today, I might be able to finish a movie, if I get off the computer and back to the movie. I'm watching Die... Read More
He peed on me a couple of days ago and pooped on me today. I never thought I could love something so much that pees and poops on me, but I do. It's the best thing that ever happened to me... not the being peed and pooped on, but becoming a father... it still sounds a little odd.