It's weird. I'm in a bad mood so I feel like listening to Korn and playing Star Craft, it reminds me of high school. Man, I almost wish I had Star Craft, but then I wouldn't sleep tonight. The lack of games to waste my night on and the rum will make sure I sleep well tonight.
thanks for the comment smile The tattoo of the octopus is for what's pretty much been a lifelong fascination with cephalopods. Squid, octopus, cuttlefish...I think they're just the most amazing creatures. Some people get dragons or their pets or unicorns, I just really LOVE octopus and squid <3 cuuuute little boy, by the way!
Let me know how it goes with #OCCUPYNEWORLEANS

I talked to my wife about issues last night. I don't think she's very understanding, but it feels good to have some of it off my chest. I feel a little bit more motivated to get back on track and I think she's a little motivated to help me. My wife's still an awesome person, we just have some issues.

In other news, I back...
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yeah i have a fucking huge yard but 4 broken mowers. and one of my roommates is a mechanic but is a lazy asshole. oh well.

I had a cool dream this morning. It was all hot and erotic, then I woke up right before the real action started. Then I heard my son, it was about 6:30AM and he was ready to get the day started. My wife was already gone for work and my teen had just left for school. It was time to jump out of bed and...
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I start drinking around 5 - ish..........

just sayin'
heh. yeah, going cold turkey is hard cause i obsess about it. toning it down wasnt too bad. if you were closer id give ya some of my liquor tongue

working out helps, but due to multiple bullshit outta my control i dont get to run very often, which is my preferred method. mowing lawn is favorite but lawn mower is broken frown actually, we have 4 lawn mowers, all of them broken. ha.
It's a new day and it's going to be awesome. I've got plans of cleaning up and showering and... uhh... umm... It's going to be awesome. I'm going to give my son a bath and color, maybe even color in the bath.

In other news, this morning I had a great idea. I have left over burrito stuff in the fridge, so I made me...
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Yes, I am getting better... Thank you for asking. smile I'm back at work and its great since I need money and I'm getting a new tatt next week... Yay!!! Lol

How was your weekend? You can inbox me if you would like. smile
Life's been getting more difficult lately. The funny thing is that nothing's really changed. Well, things have changed some, but it's really nothing new. I've been having a strong urge to be nosey in my wife's life, which I'm normally really good at not doing. The differences are interesting of what you can see of a person from what they show you and what you...
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yeah i dont think the whole intimidating works with a girl that tends to intimidate others... lol : /

yeah i know it a little too well... and some of my blogs are only the tip of the whole issue... i feel like my life has been really messy lately... and that is why my blog had to be written... i need to refocus and for once put myself before everyone and every boy... you seem funny! lol

yeah your kids are cute... life will workout... its just needs some time and for everyone to be true to who they are... lol
yeah with kids it can be a little bit harder...

but maybe when you and your wife talk you can bring that up... if she has a life of her own than you need sometime to do the same.
Long, dull day at home. I'm not excited about it, but I'll try to make the best of it, while putting off everything I have to do.

It's been great. I've been working for the past couple of days and now I'm a little worn out, but I've got an empty house. I'm going to be hanging out in a towel, listening to music, and probably looking at pictures of naked chicks... Or nap, we'll see.
I would, except for the fact that eating anything hurts.
thanks - I've got them on now.......... wink
I keep seeing in profiles that chicks like good kissers. What if the guy's a great kisser, but sucks in bed?

Not me of course, I'm fairly certain that half the time, I'm pretty mediocre, which is much better than "sucks". The other half the time I'm sleeping and I'm awesome at sleeping with anyone.
lmao! you guys are hilarious smile let's have an orgy. hahaha
One day Girlbot... one day.
Some months ago, when everything seemed to go from great to crap in about a week, I was feeling pretty miserable, like nothing else could go wrong. I was so broke, I started buying my groceries from Walmart and I would mostly get the store brand. I can't stand Walmart. I wasn't supposed to be driving my car, because it wasn't safe until work was...
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you and me, both...........
Another day of baby poo. I think the problem is that we're potty training him and he's doing great with it, but when his diaper is dirty, he takes it off. So if he poops in the morning or at nap time, he's not going to stay in it.

Anyway, I'm working on life right now and it's going to be awesome. Some months ago,...
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Thanks for the thoughtful comment -
I thought I might leave this sight because it's where I have met a few people who have hurt me a lot. But that would be letting the bad memories win, and have the upper hand ( so to speak ). I realized that I have a couple of friends on this site, whose opinions I value and would miss if I left. Even though you guys are just " online " friends - you help to keep me motivated and feeling positive. Thank you for that.smile
Well, they're still turning... but again, great suggestion about the dry-erase board. I have one, but it's hidden behind my office door. I think today's project will be moving it.