Good afternoon lovelies!
It has been awhile since I've written up here, and I hope to be able to do more than a bi-monthly posting on here. Things have been going really, really well, though they've been incredibly, incredibly busy these past several months. It has been an ongoing adventure of discovery and inner exploration, which has brought me to the brink of pure joy and elation. I started the process of coming out to my family and friend about who I am as a non-gender conforming person over the past several months, and it is been easily the scariest and yet most satisfying thing I have been able to do! I feel so free!
I feel like I can truly begin to become the woman that I have seen myself as for years, and to stop living in the closet, despite the fears that held me back. I have the love and support from the majority of my family and friends. I am still trying to come out to my parents, but I know that they will support me in the end :-) .
It just brings me great joy and pleasure to be able to live as my true self and not have to put on a mask around people anymore, to know that I am safe, even when at times things may be crazy in the rest of the world. I get to live out my desires, exploring my sexuality and sensuality and what that means for me as a woman. I have the rest of my life to explore this side , and I am completely ok with that. I am just thankful that I was able to do this now and not wait until I was much older. I am tired of living with regrets. I will continue to blossom into the beautiful woman that I know I am, and looking forward to sharing more stories and photos as time moves on :-3 , of course starting with more cute sock pics ;-) Until next time lovelies
@midnightsun @msutopia @missy
- Natalie