Good morning lovelies!
Im so sorry that I have been away for so long concerning writing and being an active part of the community on here. Im not going to lie, I've been under the most stress that I've been through in awhile, but it's the good kind. It's the kind that makes me so hopeful for what is to come, including being able to affirm my gender identity with the world, one small step at a time, which often times requires my favorite drink... COFFEE!
I have to thank my mother for this addiction of choice. Since I was a teenager, I embraced this delicious goodness in the morning and eventually would drink it in ever facet of my life; breakfast, lunch, dinner, post alcoholic beverage of choice and with alcohol :-p :-D It is a constant that reminds me to slow down and enjoy life for even a few short minutes, which as a woman on the go, I need to heavily remind myself to do! @midnightsun . I know I borrowed this photo from one of the awesome ladies of SG who was on the front page this past week, and I wish I could remember who she is , but if anyone knows who she is please feel free to share this.
In other news, I recently ran my first 50k! Thats right...5..0...! 31.06 miles! It was the most brutal, beautiful thing I have ever experienced! It took me places I have never been physically, mentally, spiritually, being one with nature and my own body during this process. And yes, it kicked my ass! I was on the couch for a solid 2 days afterwards and I was able to get a massage, omg that was beautiful!!!
So in other news, what has been amazing is that now the american DOD has just announced that they are lifting their ban on transgender military members as of JUL 1. This has me so ecstatic and excited! For as much as things go back and forth, and with the horrible violence that occurred in Orlando, this is welcomed news for the LGBQT community. My honest opinion is that someone is willing to go off and fight for their country, no matter the capacity, and are willing to sacrifice, and are good at what they do, who cares what they identify as? The whole point is to bring in people that WANT to serve and are willing to do this. People have argued that military is not a social experiment lab, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. They were the first to integrate African Americans and other minorities into their forces in the 1940's, and then women in the 70's and 80's, and the banishment of DOMA (defense of marriage act) in 2011, this is progress. There are long, hard roads ahead, but these victories are worth fighting for in this community.
As always, thanks for allowing me to be a platform to discuss and share, and I love you all! Look forward to talking with you all soon. Be safe and be bold lovelies!
- Nat
@missy @homeworkblog