For the past few months I have felt myself changing, I am evolving and becoming stronger. I have gone through trials and tribulations that have shaken me to the core and made me reexamine the way I think about everything in my life. I have now come out of the valley - and I have never been so proud to be an atheist.
Now I ask you, why have you not joined me? To accurately debate religion, you must first understand the bedrock idea of what you are truly debating - whether or not we will live forever. There has never been a successful religion that did not include the seductive promise of everlasting life. No one wants to think that when they die, or when their mother dies, that it is all over, that there is nothing left - this very fear is what religion feeds off of and uses to capture the minds and hearts of those who follow them. Why do people need to protect themselves from this fear? Why not bathe in it, relish the pain of being alive so that the sweetness of life will be all the more in contrast? Certainly this is a masochistic way of looking at life, but the pain of truth is one I will suffer through with a smile on my face knowing that my life is my own to live and I owe nothing to a higher power. I am afraid - and you should be too, but you shouldn't forfeit your mind as a result of fear.
But there are so many more beautiful archetypes in religion, all so alluring answers to common questions. Anything that offers 100% of the answers to everything in life is something that people should fear in itself, it is too good to be true. I am not saying that atheism provides 100% of the answers, but as an atheist I respect myself enough to pursue them on my own and not be spoon fed bullshit lies from a higher power. A good starting point is the beginning, Genesis if you will, although Christianity has no monopoly on creation. The big question that tears people apart is How did we get here? leaving the debate on how matter was formed, who did it, when, that sort of logic. This discourse by its very nature obscures a much simpler, pertinent question why do we think the universe was created? It seems crazy, I know, but what is the first law of physics? Matter can not be created or destroyed. There, that should be enough to rule out the need for any creation theories (including the Big Bang) but it doesnt does it? Why do people need someone to explain how everything got here to them so badly? The reason is because it is all we know. Machines must be built before they operate, flowers must be planted before they grow, children must be conceived before they are born, do you see where I am going with this? With this evidence it would seem obvious that we had to be created some how. Any arrogant son of a bitch that uses that sort of inverted bull shit logic to pull peoples minds into a religion should be lined up and shot with the fucking rest of them. Do you really think that life on our planet illustrates every facet that makes up the very fabric of the entire universe? If that was how we thought about reality then stars would be feared and worshipped, and they have been. We think we know a lot more than we really do, we make up such a small fraction of the population of the universe that we cant even fathom it and we take it upon ourselves to discuss how the rest of it was created? The real issue is that people have a very unusual way of looking at time as it pertains to reality. We invented time as a means to calculate and monitor interstellar formations and their movement. The key word is movement; we know a second has passed because the hand on the clock moved, the atomic clock bases its time on an oscillating mass between the nucleus of an atom and its surrounding electrons. That is just how fickle time really is, that in a part of the universe where the temperature reaches absolute zero there would be no time. So is it that hard to believe that we dont really understand the way that the universe operates and that is has always been here and always will be here? Some people think it is easy to grasp the idea of everlasting existence in one way or another, whether it be immortal life or the idea that the universe itself is infinite, that it never ends. Why does it have to begin then? The simplest way to try to grasp this prospective is to think about it like a number line; that we are the origin, the future is positive and the past is negative. We are led to believe that creation or the big bang is supposedly zero, which simply not true.
My ideas are my own, and that in itself is the evidence I need to support their validity. I am an atheist because I love people too much too watch religion tower over man and lie to him for his entire life. It sickens me. I am comfortable with being shunned, scorned, hated, or whatever term you wish to put on my unorthodox lifestyle but I am free. No amount of good doings by any faith can justify the fact that their entire doctrine is based on outright lying to people. I encourage anyone who reads this to contact me with their view points whether to simply offer a new perspective I may have never come across, justification for their faith, or even to attempt to witness to me if you will. This is only a small fraction of my views on reality, and as my friends I wanted to take the time to expose you to a less conventional way of life. Just know that I will never stop being a threat to every organized religion in any form that I come across and that I will never stop fighting to save the hearts and minds of the people I love so dearly.
xoxo Denny Diablo
Now I ask you, why have you not joined me? To accurately debate religion, you must first understand the bedrock idea of what you are truly debating - whether or not we will live forever. There has never been a successful religion that did not include the seductive promise of everlasting life. No one wants to think that when they die, or when their mother dies, that it is all over, that there is nothing left - this very fear is what religion feeds off of and uses to capture the minds and hearts of those who follow them. Why do people need to protect themselves from this fear? Why not bathe in it, relish the pain of being alive so that the sweetness of life will be all the more in contrast? Certainly this is a masochistic way of looking at life, but the pain of truth is one I will suffer through with a smile on my face knowing that my life is my own to live and I owe nothing to a higher power. I am afraid - and you should be too, but you shouldn't forfeit your mind as a result of fear.
But there are so many more beautiful archetypes in religion, all so alluring answers to common questions. Anything that offers 100% of the answers to everything in life is something that people should fear in itself, it is too good to be true. I am not saying that atheism provides 100% of the answers, but as an atheist I respect myself enough to pursue them on my own and not be spoon fed bullshit lies from a higher power. A good starting point is the beginning, Genesis if you will, although Christianity has no monopoly on creation. The big question that tears people apart is How did we get here? leaving the debate on how matter was formed, who did it, when, that sort of logic. This discourse by its very nature obscures a much simpler, pertinent question why do we think the universe was created? It seems crazy, I know, but what is the first law of physics? Matter can not be created or destroyed. There, that should be enough to rule out the need for any creation theories (including the Big Bang) but it doesnt does it? Why do people need someone to explain how everything got here to them so badly? The reason is because it is all we know. Machines must be built before they operate, flowers must be planted before they grow, children must be conceived before they are born, do you see where I am going with this? With this evidence it would seem obvious that we had to be created some how. Any arrogant son of a bitch that uses that sort of inverted bull shit logic to pull peoples minds into a religion should be lined up and shot with the fucking rest of them. Do you really think that life on our planet illustrates every facet that makes up the very fabric of the entire universe? If that was how we thought about reality then stars would be feared and worshipped, and they have been. We think we know a lot more than we really do, we make up such a small fraction of the population of the universe that we cant even fathom it and we take it upon ourselves to discuss how the rest of it was created? The real issue is that people have a very unusual way of looking at time as it pertains to reality. We invented time as a means to calculate and monitor interstellar formations and their movement. The key word is movement; we know a second has passed because the hand on the clock moved, the atomic clock bases its time on an oscillating mass between the nucleus of an atom and its surrounding electrons. That is just how fickle time really is, that in a part of the universe where the temperature reaches absolute zero there would be no time. So is it that hard to believe that we dont really understand the way that the universe operates and that is has always been here and always will be here? Some people think it is easy to grasp the idea of everlasting existence in one way or another, whether it be immortal life or the idea that the universe itself is infinite, that it never ends. Why does it have to begin then? The simplest way to try to grasp this prospective is to think about it like a number line; that we are the origin, the future is positive and the past is negative. We are led to believe that creation or the big bang is supposedly zero, which simply not true.
My ideas are my own, and that in itself is the evidence I need to support their validity. I am an atheist because I love people too much too watch religion tower over man and lie to him for his entire life. It sickens me. I am comfortable with being shunned, scorned, hated, or whatever term you wish to put on my unorthodox lifestyle but I am free. No amount of good doings by any faith can justify the fact that their entire doctrine is based on outright lying to people. I encourage anyone who reads this to contact me with their view points whether to simply offer a new perspective I may have never come across, justification for their faith, or even to attempt to witness to me if you will. This is only a small fraction of my views on reality, and as my friends I wanted to take the time to expose you to a less conventional way of life. Just know that I will never stop being a threat to every organized religion in any form that I come across and that I will never stop fighting to save the hearts and minds of the people I love so dearly.
xoxo Denny Diablo