So, I was going through my favorite girl's Myspace Friends and stopped dead in my tracks. There is this guy, jeremie, who is soo freakin hot, he should join and be a suicide boy. I am sooo serious. But I'll control myself for now so as not to freak him out by some random requesting him to be friends.
What the hell am I thinking? I have conversations with S.O. about taking a nice, hot, steaming . . . poop shower. Who talks to there S.O. about takign a brown shower?!?! (saving those who are requesting one, which I was not)
This will be the first appearence of Pointer. In the future, fanboys will pay stupid amounts of money to own this post cause of it.
Pointer is everybody's friend. He is an ant with a large tumorous growth on his head, which the other ants make fun of. Well, the other ants made fun of at least, new ones he meets usually still do, but if they do it isn't for long. People who make fun of Pointer have a tendency to die.
Genesis (The Prologue)
Pointer was hatched, like any other ant, in a dark tunnel underground. He spent his early hours as any other worker ant, until the day came for him to begin working . . .
Day 2 of Pointer's Life: The Harsh Reality of the Working World.
24 hours had gone by and Pointer had had enough of the tunnels. His desire to get out and start working was rivaled by no other. He weighed more than any of the other ants his age, 1 day, and was therefore the strongest. This gave Pointer confidence, not a bully-like confidence, but a self assurance that he could do anything. He'd already made many friends amongst the other ants and wanted to work beside his new found bretheren in this glorious world he had been introduced to.
By noon the assignments would be ready to be handed out on the top o fthe mound as each ant exits for their first time. The Tension could be cut with a knife as they got into line to wait and see what their task would be.
"Worker. Worker. Worker. Worker. . ." Pointer could feel hish heart in his throat, wondering, "What will I get to do for the colony?" As Pointer neared the front of the line a commotion began to slowly begin, thinking only of what he would get to be Pointer ignored the stir. 5, 4, then 3 away from the front of the line Pointer stood in excitement.
"Worker. Woker . . . Oh my god!"
Alas, poor pointer only heard the first part, he was a worker. He thought, "as a worker, I am an integral part of the colony. I can't wait to dig and retrieve food." Then the second part got hammered home.
"What the hell is on that freak's head!?"
Having lived all his life in darkness underground, Pointer had no previous knowledge that he was different. He had a large growth on the side of his head. Disgusted, the other ants began shouting, "He's no ant from this colony!" and, "He doesn't deserve to toil until he dies for us!"
While they knew that rationally they could not support the claim that Pointer wasn't from their colony, the otehr ants also knew that in the colony majority rules, unless the queen sticks her ugly bloated butt into things. The other ants began cicrulating a petition to ban Pointer from being able to toil for the colony; leaving him to wander around aimlessly as the days go by watching everyone else work happily, waiting to die.
They succeded.
The petition ultimately had to meet with the Queen's approval, which she gave without a moment's hesitation. . . as she was a bitch.
Damn me? Damn YOU!
Pointer had a miserable life for the next 2 days. He'd walk around outside and through the tunnels, watching everyone else work, dreaming, at first. Soon he began only strolling through the tunnels as everyone outside would taunt him and call him names; even the friends he had made before 2 days before in the dark tunnels. By the 3rd day, Pointer had become so depressed he just stayed in his sleeping area of the tunnels, which was his alone as no ther ants wanted to even be near him whther they could see his growth or not. By the time pointer had entered his 3 1/2 day oldness he started noticing some strange things happening. Pointer had thought about 2 ants in particular who had teased him all through his 1st and 2nd day whenever they were in the same area. Pointer's dislike for these 2 quickly turned to rage he more he thought about the way unfair way things had turned out, he began wishing pain on the 2 ants to teach hem a lesson, and so maybe the wouldn't think he should beleft out of the work. These 2 ants promptly came to where Pointer was after he had these thoughts. Immediately following theur arrival, they knodded towards Pointer once and then their heads exploded. They died a short time later. Some inherent feeling in Pointer told him he had done this, he had made mean ants come to him and he had exploded their heads. However Pointer concluded that their death was not his fault, he only exploded their heads, they chose to die rather than live with no head. A scour krept over Pointer's face . . .
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it ANYMORE!
Pointer had an idea, a way to solve his problems. He decided to ask the Queen for a chance to work, and to overturn her accpetance of the petition, but he also devised a plan in case she said no, as he knew deep down she would. After requesting the petition to be over turned , outraged, the Queen confined Pointer to his sleeping area, as it was not important to the colony anyway. He was high in the tunnels, near the surface. This is a precarious place for an ant's bedroom, but perfect for Pointer's plan which he set into motion on the 5th day. By the 7th day Pinter's plan was almost complete. He had controlled the minds of two teams of mining ants to dig in a different direction. Team A was diggin a vertical tunnel, which Pointer forced to begin digging horizantally instead, and vice versa for team B. This is what Pointer did during the days, and nothing else, but this was only step one of his plan . . . his decision. At night pointer wouldn't sleep, but he'd tunnel himself, towards the surface. He was making himself a freedom tunnel.
"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."
After 2 arduous days without sleep and little to eat Pointer's vengeance was almost upon the colony. Having completed only to break the surface, his freedom tunnel had been completed and the two teams of miner he was controling were also on schedule, everything was going without a hitch and Pointer felt empowered. Pointer exploded the head of the sentry posted to make sure he didn't wander around the tunnels . . . the sentry decided to die rather than have no head. Pointer newthe time had come, he had his 2 teams begin diggin furiously, as fast as they could. Like clockwork Team A broke through the back of the Queen's chambers and contiued diggin, right into her gross, squishy butt. After breaking through, just long enough for everyone to be shocked Pointer pauses them, then commands them to begin digging again. This time twice as fast as before they begin to tunnel through the Queen causing goo and puss to ooze everywhere, and making it difficult to move. Within Seconds of this Team B breaks through the ground beneath her causing the entire floor to collapse killing all who had seen what went on firsthand. Dooming the entire colony to death, as their Queen was dead.
After all was done, Pointer removed the last few pieces of Earth that stood between him and the outside. On the surface he stood for amoment, it was sunset and the metaphor of it moved through him.
Looking ahead into the the forest of blades of grass Pointer said to himself, "maybe I don't wanna work for the colony so bad afterall."
There is more to come, this is just installment one of pointer. I'd like to liilustrate is adventures too, but I don't know howwell i can motivate myself.
What the hell am I thinking? I have conversations with S.O. about taking a nice, hot, steaming . . . poop shower. Who talks to there S.O. about takign a brown shower?!?! (saving those who are requesting one, which I was not)
This will be the first appearence of Pointer. In the future, fanboys will pay stupid amounts of money to own this post cause of it.
Pointer is everybody's friend. He is an ant with a large tumorous growth on his head, which the other ants make fun of. Well, the other ants made fun of at least, new ones he meets usually still do, but if they do it isn't for long. People who make fun of Pointer have a tendency to die.
Genesis (The Prologue)
Pointer was hatched, like any other ant, in a dark tunnel underground. He spent his early hours as any other worker ant, until the day came for him to begin working . . .
Day 2 of Pointer's Life: The Harsh Reality of the Working World.
24 hours had gone by and Pointer had had enough of the tunnels. His desire to get out and start working was rivaled by no other. He weighed more than any of the other ants his age, 1 day, and was therefore the strongest. This gave Pointer confidence, not a bully-like confidence, but a self assurance that he could do anything. He'd already made many friends amongst the other ants and wanted to work beside his new found bretheren in this glorious world he had been introduced to.
By noon the assignments would be ready to be handed out on the top o fthe mound as each ant exits for their first time. The Tension could be cut with a knife as they got into line to wait and see what their task would be.
"Worker. Worker. Worker. Worker. . ." Pointer could feel hish heart in his throat, wondering, "What will I get to do for the colony?" As Pointer neared the front of the line a commotion began to slowly begin, thinking only of what he would get to be Pointer ignored the stir. 5, 4, then 3 away from the front of the line Pointer stood in excitement.
"Worker. Woker . . . Oh my god!"
Alas, poor pointer only heard the first part, he was a worker. He thought, "as a worker, I am an integral part of the colony. I can't wait to dig and retrieve food." Then the second part got hammered home.
"What the hell is on that freak's head!?"
Having lived all his life in darkness underground, Pointer had no previous knowledge that he was different. He had a large growth on the side of his head. Disgusted, the other ants began shouting, "He's no ant from this colony!" and, "He doesn't deserve to toil until he dies for us!"
While they knew that rationally they could not support the claim that Pointer wasn't from their colony, the otehr ants also knew that in the colony majority rules, unless the queen sticks her ugly bloated butt into things. The other ants began cicrulating a petition to ban Pointer from being able to toil for the colony; leaving him to wander around aimlessly as the days go by watching everyone else work happily, waiting to die.
They succeded.
The petition ultimately had to meet with the Queen's approval, which she gave without a moment's hesitation. . . as she was a bitch.
Damn me? Damn YOU!
Pointer had a miserable life for the next 2 days. He'd walk around outside and through the tunnels, watching everyone else work, dreaming, at first. Soon he began only strolling through the tunnels as everyone outside would taunt him and call him names; even the friends he had made before 2 days before in the dark tunnels. By the 3rd day, Pointer had become so depressed he just stayed in his sleeping area of the tunnels, which was his alone as no ther ants wanted to even be near him whther they could see his growth or not. By the time pointer had entered his 3 1/2 day oldness he started noticing some strange things happening. Pointer had thought about 2 ants in particular who had teased him all through his 1st and 2nd day whenever they were in the same area. Pointer's dislike for these 2 quickly turned to rage he more he thought about the way unfair way things had turned out, he began wishing pain on the 2 ants to teach hem a lesson, and so maybe the wouldn't think he should beleft out of the work. These 2 ants promptly came to where Pointer was after he had these thoughts. Immediately following theur arrival, they knodded towards Pointer once and then their heads exploded. They died a short time later. Some inherent feeling in Pointer told him he had done this, he had made mean ants come to him and he had exploded their heads. However Pointer concluded that their death was not his fault, he only exploded their heads, they chose to die rather than live with no head. A scour krept over Pointer's face . . .
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it ANYMORE!
Pointer had an idea, a way to solve his problems. He decided to ask the Queen for a chance to work, and to overturn her accpetance of the petition, but he also devised a plan in case she said no, as he knew deep down she would. After requesting the petition to be over turned , outraged, the Queen confined Pointer to his sleeping area, as it was not important to the colony anyway. He was high in the tunnels, near the surface. This is a precarious place for an ant's bedroom, but perfect for Pointer's plan which he set into motion on the 5th day. By the 7th day Pinter's plan was almost complete. He had controlled the minds of two teams of mining ants to dig in a different direction. Team A was diggin a vertical tunnel, which Pointer forced to begin digging horizantally instead, and vice versa for team B. This is what Pointer did during the days, and nothing else, but this was only step one of his plan . . . his decision. At night pointer wouldn't sleep, but he'd tunnel himself, towards the surface. He was making himself a freedom tunnel.
"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."
After 2 arduous days without sleep and little to eat Pointer's vengeance was almost upon the colony. Having completed only to break the surface, his freedom tunnel had been completed and the two teams of miner he was controling were also on schedule, everything was going without a hitch and Pointer felt empowered. Pointer exploded the head of the sentry posted to make sure he didn't wander around the tunnels . . . the sentry decided to die rather than have no head. Pointer newthe time had come, he had his 2 teams begin diggin furiously, as fast as they could. Like clockwork Team A broke through the back of the Queen's chambers and contiued diggin, right into her gross, squishy butt. After breaking through, just long enough for everyone to be shocked Pointer pauses them, then commands them to begin digging again. This time twice as fast as before they begin to tunnel through the Queen causing goo and puss to ooze everywhere, and making it difficult to move. Within Seconds of this Team B breaks through the ground beneath her causing the entire floor to collapse killing all who had seen what went on firsthand. Dooming the entire colony to death, as their Queen was dead.
After all was done, Pointer removed the last few pieces of Earth that stood between him and the outside. On the surface he stood for amoment, it was sunset and the metaphor of it moved through him.
Looking ahead into the the forest of blades of grass Pointer said to himself, "maybe I don't wanna work for the colony so bad afterall."
There is more to come, this is just installment one of pointer. I'd like to liilustrate is adventures too, but I don't know howwell i can motivate myself.

hard on? what
Thanks for the B-Day wishes. Another year, another grey hair, more hair dye bought.