I get so sad over that there are just more and more younger kids taking their own lives in this country. I get REALLY angry when grown ups are FUCKING cowards and don't take the responsibility they should for how kids treat other kids. No matter if they're 4, 9, 14, or 16 years old, they're NOT adults and they can't be left to act however they want, or are forced to act, or just end up doing things wrong. When no one cares, and everyone give up on them from the beginning, it can never work out good. I mean both kids who are mean to others, and those who are being pushed down.
There are no excuses for ignoring all the awful things kids do just because 'we' let them, and people are cowards and always want to blame someone else, but every now and then the family publish the letter the kiddo wrote before they killed themselves and it should tear you up. They publish what kind of text messages were sent to the kid' cell phone it goes like: "Hey you big fat ugly fuck, aren't you dead yet? You know you should be the way you look." And all these "new" ways of communication just makes it worse.
The teachers who see these kids so many hours every week are so scared of them they don't do anything, ever. Just split em up, bye bye cool gang, put them on their own for a while, and maybe, maybe you should put in more extra teachers, not scared lame 50 ++ year old ladies, put in some cool 25 year old guy instead like they did in my school when we were 12-13. He shaped up every little stupid kid in there then. Little boys and girls need BOTH men and women to look up to, it doesn't have to be their parents, or a teacher/coach, but often it is.
This might sound... I don't know but, yes, I think there should be A LOT more MEN in schools, taking some responsibility for the kids too. I know it's a problem all through our society that men feel they aren't "allowed" to take care of kids, and some women don't let them either, or that if they work at a kinder garden people will think they are maybe "creepy" all these things are of course a problem, also stupid, BUT men are needed in these areas. (Also, who should be best suitable to turn old people in bed? Hmm could it be a hard working worn out middle aged women with three kids or a fit younger man? Hmmm. I'm not sure. What do you think? And now I changed subject, sorry but getting more men into these professions would of course raise the fucking wage, which is SICK, that typical women's professions are paid less for no reason other than... it's women's work. Take care of kids and old people. Yeah. That's not important... "But.. but women just are BORN to take care of others" yeah really.... it's not that simple, fuckhead. Also what's seen as "important" work is just fucked up anyway. )
Because everyone thought this 25 y/o guy was cool, and because he was bigger and stronger, they couldn't fuck up, if they did, he actually threw a guy into the wall once for being a real asshole and that worked fine. No. I'm NOT a fan of beating kids. But you can't just let them be, through my school years the old tired hating their job teachers always said "They will grow up and be just like the rest of us", ehm, no, they won't if you and every other adult around them do nothing about it. I have to add that I KNOW that there will always be people you can't stand, however, kids seem to never be taught how to deal with this.
Often their parents are fuck ups - yes, for one reason or another, and these kids got problems, have no fucking rules, no idea how to behave and what's right or wrong and some of them have learning problems, they can't follow the lessons so they start interrupting them instead to cover it up. And their grades are F,F,F,F but hey "they will be fine" - No, they can't get into any school, they start stealing, taking drugs and beating up people you stupid fucking hag and they're just 14. Oh and half of them does end up like criminals, nazi's, dead or pregnant with some loser. Great. It sounds like a cliche but it's always the same story.
Also, in the meantime these problem kids might kill some poor "weak" kid, or two, bullying them... but.. well.. "We couldn't do much about that either. The strongest survive you know." Barely, I'd say. If you are a kid, and in school in Sweden today, you're fucking helpless if someone decide that there's something wrong about you. The parents to the kid get no help, and are just seen as a pain in the ass. "Oh it's not THAT bad is it? Can't you just shut up and let us keep ignoring this." And one day the mother to the kid comes home from work and think it's a doll hanging down from the ceiling.

i miss the spooning! what else do you miss?
so, how was the dog training?