Hey look, I got my picture taken with Hitler
Dude, sort your hair out.
Thank you to all of you that wished me a Happy Birthday, it'll take me another 6 months to get used to the idea that i'm now 20. Halfway to 40 already, boy, that happened fast!
I had a good birthday, although it didn't really feel like my birthday if you know what I mean. My friends took me to Madame Tussauds and then for a drink, I went and visited my best friend up at her University, and then yesterday I got drunk with my boyfriends parents and played Scrabble (Rock n' Fucking Roll, aight.)
I'm getting insanely addicted to board games, especially Scrabble because it's the only one I can win at. What's your favourite board game?
So apart from playing board games i've been busy thinking up new ideas and new things I want to learn and realising how little time there is to do all of them. I'm super unorganised and with 6 days before I move to Leicester i've yet to pack a single thing. (Isn't packing the worst?) Yes, so an impending life changing event. I feel like my life is going to be turned upside down in a matter of days, whether it's for the best or not is a mystery. It still fucking hurts that I won't see him very often, but c'est la vie and all that shit.
When did I become so needy? I haven't had the company of anyone in a couple of hours and already i'm bored and feeling itchy (literally, I think my dog has fleas). I don't really like to be alone because my mind goes into analytical overload and then I have to smash it into a wall to make it stop.
I have 4 grand going into my bank account soon and I'm worried that i'll be a bad girl and blow it all at once, especially on a nifty little Nikon camera.
In other news, i'm such an awful car passenger. I get jumpy every time we drive by a bus because i'm terrified it'll pull out on us, and likewise going past lorries on a motorway. Even worse is nearly every time I go to grab the said drivers arm which just makes it even more dangerous but I seriously can't stop doing it, it's a reflex.
This is going to be another rambling entry because as I said previously, i'm on my own and bored (SEV NEEDZ ATTENTION!!!!111).
You ever get a bit guilty because sometimes you treat your parents and family like shit? Neglect them even though they show you love and have brought you up decent? I'm not awful to my parents but I know that sometimes i'm quite selfish and I don't show them how I appreciate them ever. At least i'm not as shitty to them as my brother, I suppose. I always say to myself 'tomorrow i'll tell dad he rocks' but that gets chucked in the shit heap with all the other stuff that are on the 'tomorrow' list.
If you love something, set it free.
And fucking regret it.
I need to stop swearing.

Dude, sort your hair out.
Thank you to all of you that wished me a Happy Birthday, it'll take me another 6 months to get used to the idea that i'm now 20. Halfway to 40 already, boy, that happened fast!
I had a good birthday, although it didn't really feel like my birthday if you know what I mean. My friends took me to Madame Tussauds and then for a drink, I went and visited my best friend up at her University, and then yesterday I got drunk with my boyfriends parents and played Scrabble (Rock n' Fucking Roll, aight.)
I'm getting insanely addicted to board games, especially Scrabble because it's the only one I can win at. What's your favourite board game?
So apart from playing board games i've been busy thinking up new ideas and new things I want to learn and realising how little time there is to do all of them. I'm super unorganised and with 6 days before I move to Leicester i've yet to pack a single thing. (Isn't packing the worst?) Yes, so an impending life changing event. I feel like my life is going to be turned upside down in a matter of days, whether it's for the best or not is a mystery. It still fucking hurts that I won't see him very often, but c'est la vie and all that shit.
When did I become so needy? I haven't had the company of anyone in a couple of hours and already i'm bored and feeling itchy (literally, I think my dog has fleas). I don't really like to be alone because my mind goes into analytical overload and then I have to smash it into a wall to make it stop.
I have 4 grand going into my bank account soon and I'm worried that i'll be a bad girl and blow it all at once, especially on a nifty little Nikon camera.
In other news, i'm such an awful car passenger. I get jumpy every time we drive by a bus because i'm terrified it'll pull out on us, and likewise going past lorries on a motorway. Even worse is nearly every time I go to grab the said drivers arm which just makes it even more dangerous but I seriously can't stop doing it, it's a reflex.
This is going to be another rambling entry because as I said previously, i'm on my own and bored (SEV NEEDZ ATTENTION!!!!111).
You ever get a bit guilty because sometimes you treat your parents and family like shit? Neglect them even though they show you love and have brought you up decent? I'm not awful to my parents but I know that sometimes i'm quite selfish and I don't show them how I appreciate them ever. At least i'm not as shitty to them as my brother, I suppose. I always say to myself 'tomorrow i'll tell dad he rocks' but that gets chucked in the shit heap with all the other stuff that are on the 'tomorrow' list.
If you love something, set it free.
And fucking regret it.
I need to stop swearing.
ummmm kwyjibo

howdy doody there missy
oooh, hitler, lurevely. I saw a baby hitler today, that was scary. yay board games, I used to love cococrazy but no one would play it with me
I loved mouetrap too, though I think I used to think 'sod this' to setting up the game and play with the little plastic mice. impentuant youth huh?!