Yes, I GOT TO HAVE A SHOWER! The shower fixing fucker actually did his job! GOD BLESS PLUMBERS.
I'm feeling really good today y'know. Even though it was so swelteringly hot, sweat dripped from my brow, beads of perspiration welled up in my pits, and my arse crack moistened considerably. I didn't care, because GUESS WHAT!?! I GOT TO HAVE A SHOWER!
And also, you know what else made my day so cool? The fact that Scott came and picked me up from work in his Capri
The only downside of today is that all my ID/release forms got lost, so I have to go to the library and fax them off again, (although it is rather amusing getting dirty looks from the elderly librarian as she faxes forms saying I may be getting my baps out on t'internet
And you know what else is great? TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!
AND FRIDAY'S COOL 'COS THERE'S NO SCHOOOOOL *said in dodgy Nickelodeon mans voice*
I'm getting very excitable lately.

Yes, I GOT TO HAVE A SHOWER! The shower fixing fucker actually did his job! GOD BLESS PLUMBERS.
I'm feeling really good today y'know. Even though it was so swelteringly hot, sweat dripped from my brow, beads of perspiration welled up in my pits, and my arse crack moistened considerably. I didn't care, because GUESS WHAT!?! I GOT TO HAVE A SHOWER!
And also, you know what else made my day so cool? The fact that Scott came and picked me up from work in his Capri

The only downside of today is that all my ID/release forms got lost, so I have to go to the library and fax them off again, (although it is rather amusing getting dirty looks from the elderly librarian as she faxes forms saying I may be getting my baps out on t'internet

And you know what else is great? TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!
AND FRIDAY'S COOL 'COS THERE'S NO SCHOOOOOL *said in dodgy Nickelodeon mans voice*
I'm getting very excitable lately.