welcome to the world of a girl with too much time on her hands
so much to do, so little motivation.
i'm trying not to judge peoples actions right now, because I know that would be hypocritical of me. Especially as i've made the same mistakes before and i'm likely to again.
lately i've been thinking about how selfish a lot of people are, it feels like nobody gives a shit about anybody but themselves and their own personal interests. i guess that's just human nature.
and it's funny how easily you're forgotten.
I find nostalgia depressing.
i want to go out for a walk and clear my head but it's hard when you live in a dump and it's a saturday night and you're likely to get stabbed.
oh well. things aren't as bad as i'm making them sound, i think. i've just been thinking about things too much. maybe it's hit me harder because i've been constantly happy for months now.
on a happier note, i've been taking some pictures:
my little brother


so much to do, so little motivation.
i'm trying not to judge peoples actions right now, because I know that would be hypocritical of me. Especially as i've made the same mistakes before and i'm likely to again.
lately i've been thinking about how selfish a lot of people are, it feels like nobody gives a shit about anybody but themselves and their own personal interests. i guess that's just human nature.
and it's funny how easily you're forgotten.
I find nostalgia depressing.
i want to go out for a walk and clear my head but it's hard when you live in a dump and it's a saturday night and you're likely to get stabbed.
oh well. things aren't as bad as i'm making them sound, i think. i've just been thinking about things too much. maybe it's hit me harder because i've been constantly happy for months now.
on a happier note, i've been taking some pictures:
my little brother


i think yout dress looks kinda gay, and your bro looks like a dude i went to school with named jeremy cook...but thats just me..