I fucking love Cornwall.
And I love camping.
It gives me an excuse to smell bad and have scruffy hair.
I need to quit drinking. honestly, i've never met anyone that loses as much crap as I do when they're pissed.
Last night it was my phone, my beloved mobile phone. My phone that contains a few explicit pictures that I would rather not have the whole of Bromley view.
Someone handed it in, though. I went and collected it today which was quite embarrassing. They obviously went through all of the pictures and messages. I would.
Indri's are my new favourite animal. Madagascar has some really bizarre animals. Apparently all of Madagascars plants and animals make up for 5% of the total, and 80% of their animals are only found in Madagascar. I also like the fossa, which apparently hunts the indri. It's a sort of weird mix between a cat and a dog, and this video clip of fossa sex has been making me giggle.
Show me weird animals. I like them.
[Pssssst, any good photographers around? I'm back in London now and need a new set. Message me.]
and a friend here on SG just got a pet fossa
carry on!