My hair is not longer anything like it was in my last set, sorry

I'm so sorry for being so damn slow at replying to people. I have a load of time on my hands now i'm not at university and have my beeeautiful laptop back (thank fuck), so if you messaged me any questions feel free to message them again. I'll answer, honest.
The journey back from university was so terrible. I have the worlds biggest and heaviest suitcase ever. I also have a knack of collecting crap I don't really need, but fool myself into believing that is absolutely essential, thus making my suitcase cripplingly heavy. Getting that through the Underground was a bitch. Oh, and the stairs. Don't get me started on the stairs. I actually have blisters.
On the train I sat by this family. The mother was obviously drunk and her 15 year old daughter said 'please mum, be quiet. You're drunk'. Her mum really started laying into her, shoving her finger in her face and saying, 'you better shut up or i'll shove you through the window', and 'no wonder your boyfriend dumped you', 'you act like a spastic'. It was sick to watch how bad she's fucking her daughter up, how insecure and worthless this bitch was making her feel. She had tears in her eyes and was saying 'please mum, I don't want to argue'. I wanted to ask her if she was ok, but I just sat there and pretended not to hear like all the rest of the passengers. I gave her a smile on the way out, I hope things get better for her.
After that I got on the wrong train, like the ditzy fool that I am.

I'm missing people from uni already, boo

Now i'm going to watch Family Guy till I fall asleep, hardcore party animal that I am.
Severity xxx
Nothing Left For Tomorrow