Yay, my new set went up. I still haven't managed to read all the messages and stuff I received.
Anyway, thank you for the love - i'm well chuffed. I don't actually look anything like those pictures at all now, which you'll see, if I ever get around to shooting a new set.
I'm going to be back from university for the summer in a couple of days, I really really don't want to go home. Everything is just too good here and I know just how mind numbingly bored i'm going to be at home. I suppose i'm just going to have to think of something worthwhile to do with my summer. Maybe i'll try and raise some money and do a bit of travelling or something.
At least my liver will recover at home, I suppose.
Now I have to spend an age in the library because i'm locked out and my friends are going to be at Alton Towers, alllllll day.
Add me on myspace because my page is looking really pathetic and bare

Yay, my new set went up. I still haven't managed to read all the messages and stuff I received.
Anyway, thank you for the love - i'm well chuffed. I don't actually look anything like those pictures at all now, which you'll see, if I ever get around to shooting a new set.
I'm going to be back from university for the summer in a couple of days, I really really don't want to go home. Everything is just too good here and I know just how mind numbingly bored i'm going to be at home. I suppose i'm just going to have to think of something worthwhile to do with my summer. Maybe i'll try and raise some money and do a bit of travelling or something.
At least my liver will recover at home, I suppose.
Now I have to spend an age in the library because i'm locked out and my friends are going to be at Alton Towers, alllllll day.
Add me on myspace because my page is looking really pathetic and bare

i hate myspace its a mean ass to me boo -sniffle snort-
Why's home so boring?
I've sent ya a myspace request