you know that feeling you get when you've been drunk and wake up and think, shit, what the fuck did I do?
That's what i'm feeling right now. I like to call it post-drunk guilt. I haven't done anything wrong, I just worry that i've offended someone.
I need to stop drinking so much, i'm spending 30 every time I go out on pound drinks and I'm even drinking Stella. Fucking Stella.
I can barely remember the past month of my life, it's been fun and stuff, but shit - i'm suffering for it.
i'm officially too lazy to comment back these days. Well, busy, but when i'm not busy i'm lazy.

That's what i'm feeling right now. I like to call it post-drunk guilt. I haven't done anything wrong, I just worry that i've offended someone.
I need to stop drinking so much, i'm spending 30 every time I go out on pound drinks and I'm even drinking Stella. Fucking Stella.
I can barely remember the past month of my life, it's been fun and stuff, but shit - i'm suffering for it.
i'm officially too lazy to comment back these days. Well, busy, but when i'm not busy i'm lazy.


Me and drinking to much, are quite fond of each other.

Being drunk and offending somebody should not be a big deal. It's going to happen invariably. I find that I am less offensive drunk. The difficult trick for me is not offending anybody while I am stone cold sober.