I'm probably at the happiest stage of my life
Despite the last entry, everything is going so amazingly well. I couldn't ask for things to be more perfect right now. For the first time in a long ass while i'm not feeling complete despair at the entire human race. I have great friends, a great lover and everything is sickeningly.. well, fun. I feel interesting, attractive and dare I say, even confident. (almost). I'm also feeling unwavering positivity about 2006.
Yes, I know. It's vile.
Happy Birthday Emma
It's one of my best friends birthdays soon. She's a top girl. We shall be getting considerably wrecked in O'Neills in Beckenham tomorrow to celebrate.
Updating is such a chore these days
I'm getting really lazy. I still come on SG and go perving on tats and lady kebabs, but my desire to participate is really dwindling. There are loads of fun things i've done to tell you all about lately (ok.. the highlight of my week was watching Peep Show 2 on DVD), it's just as soon as I see that 'update' button it all seems to disapear and all I can think about is dinner, or spoons. Or some other non-sg related crap.
"The winning combination of beauty and low self esteem"
Hope you're all funky,
(pssst, i'm cleaning up my friends list. Don't be offended if I delete you, just request again if you're that devastated
Despite the last entry, everything is going so amazingly well. I couldn't ask for things to be more perfect right now. For the first time in a long ass while i'm not feeling complete despair at the entire human race. I have great friends, a great lover and everything is sickeningly.. well, fun. I feel interesting, attractive and dare I say, even confident. (almost). I'm also feeling unwavering positivity about 2006.
Yes, I know. It's vile.
Happy Birthday Emma
It's one of my best friends birthdays soon. She's a top girl. We shall be getting considerably wrecked in O'Neills in Beckenham tomorrow to celebrate.
Updating is such a chore these days
I'm getting really lazy. I still come on SG and go perving on tats and lady kebabs, but my desire to participate is really dwindling. There are loads of fun things i've done to tell you all about lately (ok.. the highlight of my week was watching Peep Show 2 on DVD), it's just as soon as I see that 'update' button it all seems to disapear and all I can think about is dinner, or spoons. Or some other non-sg related crap.
"The winning combination of beauty and low self esteem"
Hope you're all funky,
(pssst, i'm cleaning up my friends list. Don't be offended if I delete you, just request again if you're that devastated

Glad to hear life is treating you well!

Awesome for you. I hope things continue to go well for you.