I'm back home for the weekend which is really nice. Although it wasn't easy getting here thanks to a fucking dumbass taxi firm
I ordered this taxi well in advance to get to the bus station and they fucked me over and by the time they bothered sending someone (after i'd waited for nearly an hour in the street in the freezing cold) it was too late and I missed my bus. I was already being a stroppy bitch, so I dragged my bag back up to the third floor.. went into my room, boo-hoo'd to myself for a while and then trudged to the train station. It's just something I really didn't need to happen because i've wasted a ton more .
I'm in the process of designing a really awesome ink piece to get at the top of my arm, so if anyone knows of some awesome artists in/near the Leicester area - lemme know. Also i'm dithering on getting my septum pierced, or another side lip piercing. Not sure yet, but i'm a student now.. no more paper pushing for me, no more being told to take the 'metal out of my face'.
Today I shot a set with Cherry who's so small and cute and looovely. I met some new girls and also Dotty and LoLo which was radddd. I felt more like a wannabe page 3 model with my lack of mods, hah.
Tonight scotty-o is playing the Marquee but i'm feeling too lazy to go so i'm going to go get drunk on cheap wine at my local. It's so cool to be at home and have no essays to worry about. I can sit here and just do things I enjoy, like spending far too much time browsing journals, and making fanart and writing short stories.
I'm feeling really confident lately, especially since going off to university which is quite bizarre. I think it's because i've met new people and proven to myself that I can actually make new friends despite being painfully shy. I think my housemates were quite wary of me at first and thought I was a little odd, but now they know me I think (hope) they've replaced 'odd' with 'quirky'.
Anyway, I love those dudes and i've decided that when I leave University I want to go and get a little farm in Swansea and force myself to get my housemates accent because it's so unbelievably cute. I heart it.
Hope you're all funky,
(pics of my dodgy Christina Aguilera-yukky style hair extensions later)
Severity xxx

I'm in the process of designing a really awesome ink piece to get at the top of my arm, so if anyone knows of some awesome artists in/near the Leicester area - lemme know. Also i'm dithering on getting my septum pierced, or another side lip piercing. Not sure yet, but i'm a student now.. no more paper pushing for me, no more being told to take the 'metal out of my face'.
Today I shot a set with Cherry who's so small and cute and looovely. I met some new girls and also Dotty and LoLo which was radddd. I felt more like a wannabe page 3 model with my lack of mods, hah.
Tonight scotty-o is playing the Marquee but i'm feeling too lazy to go so i'm going to go get drunk on cheap wine at my local. It's so cool to be at home and have no essays to worry about. I can sit here and just do things I enjoy, like spending far too much time browsing journals, and making fanart and writing short stories.
I'm feeling really confident lately, especially since going off to university which is quite bizarre. I think it's because i've met new people and proven to myself that I can actually make new friends despite being painfully shy. I think my housemates were quite wary of me at first and thought I was a little odd, but now they know me I think (hope) they've replaced 'odd' with 'quirky'.
Anyway, I love those dudes and i've decided that when I leave University I want to go and get a little farm in Swansea and force myself to get my housemates accent because it's so unbelievably cute. I heart it.
Hope you're all funky,
(pics of my dodgy Christina Aguilera-yukky style hair extensions later)
Severity xxx
was awesome to meet you, i love meeting new girls! hope your set goes up super soon... i wanna see it!