The wife went to bed early medicated (prescribed) because she is getting her wisdom teeth out on Friday. We both have the day off I'm just hanginging around taking care off her on Friday. Lookng foward to it. Just got out of the hot tub, relaxing by myself enjoying the outdoors. Saw a few deer in the back yard - cool.
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Sunday May 01, 2005
Opening day of trout season was yesterday here in Michigan. We caugh… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
I have been married (Very Happy) for 14 years Wenesday WOW We are go… -
Sunday Apr 24, 2005
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Sunday Apr 24, 2005
What a shitty weather weekend. We got about 4" of snow and its still… -
Friday Apr 22, 2005
Barb's wisdom teeth went ok, We just relaxed all day and I waited o… -
Friday Apr 22, 2005
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Thursday Apr 21, 2005
The wife went to bed early medicated (prescribed) because she is gett… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
Wenesday night and just enjoying surfing around SG -
Monday Apr 18, 2005
Great day here in Michigan 75 degrees. What a nice spring so far. W… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2005
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