last night i hung out with two of my boys anacronLABHZ and phase_MC
today, after waking up incridibly sick after only 2 hours of sleep, i went with my grandma to put her dog down. Damien, was an awesome dog, huge black german shepherd, former show dog. the poor guy had a really bad skin condition that wouldn't get better, had bad arthritis, and just miserable. it was hard. after they gave the first shot (which was the one that made him sleep) my aunt and i stood there petting him, talking to him, soothing him. he finally fell asleep in a few minutes, i didn't know that when dogs get knocked out their eyes stay open and their tongues hang out their mouths just a bit. when it was time to admiister the fatal shot my grandma left the room, my aunt went with her for a minute and came back in, and i stood there at the head of the table holding his face as he stopped breathing. i cried and kissed him good bye.
next saturday my dog is joining damien up in doggie heaven. two weeks in a row losing the best friends i ever had.
it was hard enough when teddy and charlie (my uncle whom i lived with out in california's dogs) were shot and killed by trespassers. i wasn't close to those dogs but for 4 months. i can't imagine how hard it's going to be to lose my best friend of 14 years.
today, after waking up incridibly sick after only 2 hours of sleep, i went with my grandma to put her dog down. Damien, was an awesome dog, huge black german shepherd, former show dog. the poor guy had a really bad skin condition that wouldn't get better, had bad arthritis, and just miserable. it was hard. after they gave the first shot (which was the one that made him sleep) my aunt and i stood there petting him, talking to him, soothing him. he finally fell asleep in a few minutes, i didn't know that when dogs get knocked out their eyes stay open and their tongues hang out their mouths just a bit. when it was time to admiister the fatal shot my grandma left the room, my aunt went with her for a minute and came back in, and i stood there at the head of the table holding his face as he stopped breathing. i cried and kissed him good bye.
next saturday my dog is joining damien up in doggie heaven. two weeks in a row losing the best friends i ever had.
it was hard enough when teddy and charlie (my uncle whom i lived with out in california's dogs) were shot and killed by trespassers. i wasn't close to those dogs but for 4 months. i can't imagine how hard it's going to be to lose my best friend of 14 years.

I'm simply moving away from home and won't be bringing any of my four cats with me. As i get closer to the day i think about how much i will miss them. They're like children to me and i love them so much. I try not to think about being without them some day. One of my family dogs passed away in february and I wasn't particularly close to her (i'm not much of a dog person) and i still was all torn up.
on a more pleasant note. batman is adorable.