up up and away!!!!!
wow busy month *does a lil dance*
i was very thrilled to see Siaras new set up reow!!!!
made my day...mmm theres a security car sitting outside my house..........interesting "I DIDNT DO IT"
Had a shopping/working weekend this one...funny story actually a good friend of mine who's 31 and myself went to the amplifier on friday night and she lost her ID a week or so ago from getting rather drunk, and "forgot" where she put it...so bascially they wouldnt let her in ahahah because he thought she looked ahahahahhahha 16 ahahahahh i'm for fucks sake i look like im 12 compared to her and i was fine to get in, so yea i didnt wanna leave her so i said hi to the band and left...but it was funny and in a way i guess she's flattered :/
and to answer a question that was asked within my last entry...i love to every now and then stay somewhere else...even if it is within the same city i live in...becasue my house is a shithole, and comming home to it everyday and night kinda of gets a little boring..so sometimes i like to go to either a hotel or even a friends place and see what kinda of stuff i can get up to
its nice to have people waiting on you every once in a while
wow that took me forever to get out...
Also the radio station im working for is 89.7 twin cities FM...its only covering the Joondalup/Wanneroo metro area for those of u in perth..and i'm filling in and co hosting with Ben every thursday night, untill this guy gets back and then i hit the metal, which is killing me cos the aim is to play *gulp* top 40 type music...but if u listen carefully i'm slipping in the odd "kimberley style songs"
that sounds lame...never mind..Any one in perth going to Rockit this year??
i was supposed to be working there so i gots a free ticket, so ill go
wow busy month *does a lil dance*
i was very thrilled to see Siaras new set up reow!!!!
made my day...mmm theres a security car sitting outside my house..........interesting "I DIDNT DO IT"
Had a shopping/working weekend this one...funny story actually a good friend of mine who's 31 and myself went to the amplifier on friday night and she lost her ID a week or so ago from getting rather drunk, and "forgot" where she put it...so bascially they wouldnt let her in ahahah because he thought she looked ahahahahhahha 16 ahahahahh i'm for fucks sake i look like im 12 compared to her and i was fine to get in, so yea i didnt wanna leave her so i said hi to the band and left...but it was funny and in a way i guess she's flattered :/

and to answer a question that was asked within my last entry...i love to every now and then stay somewhere else...even if it is within the same city i live in...becasue my house is a shithole, and comming home to it everyday and night kinda of gets a little boring..so sometimes i like to go to either a hotel or even a friends place and see what kinda of stuff i can get up to

wow that took me forever to get out...
Also the radio station im working for is 89.7 twin cities FM...its only covering the Joondalup/Wanneroo metro area for those of u in perth..and i'm filling in and co hosting with Ben every thursday night, untill this guy gets back and then i hit the metal, which is killing me cos the aim is to play *gulp* top 40 type music...but if u listen carefully i'm slipping in the odd "kimberley style songs"
that sounds lame...never mind..Any one in perth going to Rockit this year??
i was supposed to be working there so i gots a free ticket, so ill go

Hmmm joondalup/wanaroo, fuck i can't spell that shit...,are they even in WA.. hehe... i'm a southerner i guess that says it all...
I'll be at Rockit... down the back in the geriatric section, propping up the bar. I felt like Grandpa Jones at the last one! Maybe see ya there