FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!
blood results back and im F I N E
just hadnt been sleeping or eating right and had been underalot of stress plus i caught the flu so i was throwing up all last week, hence why i thougth i was pregnant!
but all that shit aside....My b/f gets back from his brisvegas trip this wednesday and i cant fucking wait, which is werid but good none the less...
hmm i'm hungry...ive had such an eventfull and horrible week...but i haven nothign to write strange.. its just pointless whining anyway..however i had some problems with my next set for the past two weeks that is allll cleared up and i'll be ready set go!!
Australia day is upon us now and actually in Perth its kinda a big thing..or maybe it is just for me
Still job hunting, i was going to work at a gentlemens club as the receptionist that would be kinda cool im thinking..but i took to long to reply to them
anyway i'm off to finally have some Lunch sorry this is a boring entry!!
Ooo and i was going to go to melb for the Suicidegirl party but it loks like my money has to go to stupid bills otherthan my ego and many splendid things
Take care xoxoxox
blood results back and im F I N E
just hadnt been sleeping or eating right and had been underalot of stress plus i caught the flu so i was throwing up all last week, hence why i thougth i was pregnant!
but all that shit aside....My b/f gets back from his brisvegas trip this wednesday and i cant fucking wait, which is werid but good none the less...
hmm i'm hungry...ive had such an eventfull and horrible week...but i haven nothign to write strange.. its just pointless whining anyway..however i had some problems with my next set for the past two weeks that is allll cleared up and i'll be ready set go!!
Australia day is upon us now and actually in Perth its kinda a big thing..or maybe it is just for me

Still job hunting, i was going to work at a gentlemens club as the receptionist that would be kinda cool im thinking..but i took to long to reply to them

anyway i'm off to finally have some Lunch sorry this is a boring entry!!
Ooo and i was going to go to melb for the Suicidegirl party but it loks like my money has to go to stupid bills otherthan my ego and many splendid things

Take care xoxoxox
Hope everything is good with you lurvely grrl!