I am super stoked!! Finally...I have a new photo set in the works!!!! This coming week I will be shooting with the incredibly talented Sisfor who shot Tatian's 101 Degrees. The concept is going to be so original and I have so much confidence in his work.
Check his work out at:
Thank you all who sent in well wishes for my new love Eeeva. She is doing better now and is finally almost at her peak weight. She is high energy and happy and will be going on her first road trip with me and my bf to my Friend's Paren'ts lake house in Lufgin, TX this weekend. It is going to be a blasty blast!!! Four dogs, four people, a whole lot of cannabis, a ton of alcohol, some other various "substances" to get silly with, and a video camera...Should be good times.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!
Peace, love, good chi!

Check his work out at:
Thank you all who sent in well wishes for my new love Eeeva. She is doing better now and is finally almost at her peak weight. She is high energy and happy and will be going on her first road trip with me and my bf to my Friend's Paren'ts lake house in Lufgin, TX this weekend. It is going to be a blasty blast!!! Four dogs, four people, a whole lot of cannabis, a ton of alcohol, some other various "substances" to get silly with, and a video camera...Should be good times.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!
Peace, love, good chi!

i think i fell in love!
well i like that word! did u have fun!!?