Entertaining Read...
So, for the longest time ever I have been gradually working on reading "Please Kill Me" which feels like an epic read due to my ADD. I know it sounds like an excuse but, having any issues with concentration makes it difficult for me to stay tied down to anything for a period of time. Anyhow, i have completed this book which is very easy to read because it is so damn entertaining. If you are into "old school" Punk Rock or are just a music buff which i don't know many people who are not, then you will loove this. It is an oral documentation of the history of Punk from the people who lived it. The book has Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Andy Warhol, Patty Smith, Nico, Lou Reed, and the list goes on and on...Can you tell I'm excitied I finished a book?!? Yay!! Now I picked up some books on Martial Arts and I will see how long those take me to read, ha!...Oh look, I see a butterfly!
So, for the longest time ever I have been gradually working on reading "Please Kill Me" which feels like an epic read due to my ADD. I know it sounds like an excuse but, having any issues with concentration makes it difficult for me to stay tied down to anything for a period of time. Anyhow, i have completed this book which is very easy to read because it is so damn entertaining. If you are into "old school" Punk Rock or are just a music buff which i don't know many people who are not, then you will loove this. It is an oral documentation of the history of Punk from the people who lived it. The book has Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Andy Warhol, Patty Smith, Nico, Lou Reed, and the list goes on and on...Can you tell I'm excitied I finished a book?!? Yay!! Now I picked up some books on Martial Arts and I will see how long those take me to read, ha!...Oh look, I see a butterfly!
ill rub ur belly any day! and u r damn sexy!

I love anything outdoors, shit, even the 10 hour drive to North Carolina was almost enjoyable.