SO, I've been hounded to start a journal, and when I say hounded, I actually mean 2 people suggested I start one, which was actually really nice

So here it is.
I finally actually signed up, and this place is just the most confusing thing everrr, and I originally only intended to stay in for a month, but I can see that isnt really gonna...
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We're waiting for the Liquor Brand order to come in. Half of the stuff is just for us really - we LOVE it!
I was at the Academy but i'm usually so hammered that I corner one person and have 'deep' conversations with them all night. I was wearing a red and white polka-dot top and matching shoes if that jogs your memory. Hehe.
Come into the shop soon so I can actually meet you! x
We need 50 members of 15 SGs to comment on my journal. The pics will appear in his journal next week!
Please commenton my or, if you like the more info or the story behind this whole deal you can also click the link below!
To get him naked click HERE!!