Today, I did a little reflecting. It is so easy to get lost in the mundane everyday life and it makes you look past the good things sometimes. Over the past week I let all of my work stressors and fitness goals get to me. However, when step back for a minute and look at the big picture, my life is pretty great. I want to share some of it with you all if you don't mind!
I've actually come a long way with my fitness goals this summer and I haven't given myself nearly enough credit. I've actually gone up in pant size, not because I gained fat, but because I gained muscle. I've gained about 8 pounds over the last few months and my legs actually have definition. My butt has lifted up and the reason I can't fit into a size zero anymore is because I've made a lot of progress on my quads.
The best part? I met a goal I set for myself over a year ago. I've never been able to run more than a mile at a time due to knee and hip problems so I set a goal to run two miles. Well, Thursday I did it. I actually ran 2.46 miles, not including my warm up and cool down. And I did the last stretch of it up a hill I have been struggling with for two years. I was so happy when I made it to the top of the hill, I literally felt unstoppable. Meeting this goal made me realize, I've actually come a long way, even if I'm not where I want to be yet.
My girlfriend and I went on vacation to Charleston, SC at the beginning of the summer. While we were there we went to see a beautiful plantation with a swamp beside it, we went to the Angel Oak Tree, went to a food truck festival where I had vegan doughnuts for the first time, and she took me to the beach for the first time in my life. It was truly an amazing trip and I really hope we end up somewhere as beautiful as Charleston when we decide to move.
We also went to the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. I had been wanting to go for quite some time so we made a day date out of it. It was everything I had hoped for and more!
I've also had plenty of time to hang out with my friends, enjoy some beers, and I got a full time job again!
Even if it means I have to dress like a dweeb everyday...
On top of all of this, I was able to shoot with my friend @scottsmallin again and he gave me a beautiful set and my current favorite picture of myself. If you haven't already, go check out the full set!
Oh, and I little birdy told me that I am in the new book Geekology so you should go buy it and then come to the Atlanta Black Heart Burlesque show and have me sign it along with your copy of HArd Girls, Soft light ;)
So my point is, never forget to cherish the good things in life.