life has kept me so busy. I'm really enjoying my new job and my new free time.The only thing I don't like is how I feel like I am hiding myself at work. I work in retail again, but it is in the health field and I get to help people find natural remedies for their health issues. However, I have to look "professional" and "clean cut" so I can't have any visible piercings or tattoos and my hair has to be pretty plain. Every day that I work I feel like I am hiding myself. I know I just need to find my own balance but with this being so new, I just haven't found it yet. I was really looking forward to starting my dreads again before the end of the year but my ASM told me I couldn't have them. I'm disappointed but hopefully I find my comfort zone soon. In the meantime, I'm going to be focusing more on my personal life, health and doing what makes me happy. I'm really hoping I get to shoot some new sets for SG and Zivity soon. I am craving that extra expression and creativity right now.
Have any of you ever been in a similar situation?