Attention all TOOLS, DOUCHEBAGS, A HOLES... Suicide girls may feature nude women, but that doesn't make it a place for you to "hook up" or date these women. I can't tell you how many times I have seen a post on a photo set here that says "you're fuckin hot, we should meet up" Hey asshole.. These women may be naked, but its artful, tasteful, and often classy. Go get your rocks off somewhere else. If you don't appreciate the art in this, then you're in it for the wrong reasons. ( the preceding statement does not apply to Kemper or July, Yall are perfect... haha jk, but seriously) Well that is my rant for a while. Hope this starts a good conversation among the crowd.
You don't even have to be nude or scantily clad to get those comments. It's rude and just weird.
I never get comments like that?! Thats Sexist!!!