Elo! I am indeed from Cardiff (well, sort of, I split my time between there and Newport)
The best clubs to go to are Ten Feet Tall (more like a bar), Clwb Ifor Bach (also known as 'Welsh Club'), Metros (fondly known as Sweatros) and Barfly. Ten Feet Tall is pretty near Metros, which is on Womanby Street, which you can get to by going down St Mary Street and taking a right by Greggs, then a left next to a club called Copa's. It looks like it's down an alley into nowhere, but it's not. It opens at 10pm, usually. Ten Feet Tall is right near there.
Another good bar is The Old Library which is in the ... old library. Directly opposite the new shopping complex on The Hayes side (just up from Metros)
Barfly is further away, but really good for a bit of a bop about; if you walk out of the castle gates and turn left it's directly in front of you, next to the Sony shop and a HSBC (or a Lloyds.. some kind of bank).
Welsh Clwb is close to Vodka Revolution - which is on the main drag leading to Queen Street (but directly behind it) and is probably the best out of all the places I've listed. It's really near a pub called The Gatekeeper which is a Wetherspoons where we always go for pre-drinks
If you're going out tomorrow (i.e. Thursday) Barfly are doing a Metal Festival night, followed by this thing called Discord which is just loads of awesome music (judging from your lil mini bar sentence, you'll like it) being played at top volume, and lots of sweaty people jumping about. Wicked.
The best clubs to go to are Ten Feet Tall (more like a bar), Clwb Ifor Bach (also known as 'Welsh Club'), Metros (fondly known as Sweatros) and Barfly. Ten Feet Tall is pretty near Metros, which is on Womanby Street, which you can get to by going down St Mary Street and taking a right by Greggs, then a left next to a club called Copa's. It looks like it's down an alley into nowhere, but it's not. It opens at 10pm, usually. Ten Feet Tall is right near there.
Another good bar is The Old Library which is in the ... old library. Directly opposite the new shopping complex on The Hayes side (just up from Metros)
Barfly is further away, but really good for a bit of a bop about; if you walk out of the castle gates and turn left it's directly in front of you, next to the Sony shop and a HSBC (or a Lloyds.. some kind of bank).
Welsh Clwb is close to Vodka Revolution - which is on the main drag leading to Queen Street (but directly behind it) and is probably the best out of all the places I've listed. It's really near a pub called The Gatekeeper which is a Wetherspoons where we always go for pre-drinks
If you're going out tomorrow (i.e. Thursday) Barfly are doing a Metal Festival night, followed by this thing called Discord which is just loads of awesome music (judging from your lil mini bar sentence, you'll like it) being played at top volume, and lots of sweaty people jumping about. Wicked.